Page 121 - chs-1969
P. 121
Annual Sales Boosted By Representatives.
\nnual repre<;entatives are selected from each horne-
room. These students are responsible lc>r their horne
room's annual sales. The\ also assist the annual stall' in
identification of' pictures.
Front row, lell to right: teve Thoma~, Betty Jane Terry, Patty Attawa}, usan Robinson, Pam Purser, .\lelinda tall,
Deborah StefTcm, Jenny Hagen, Pam Keaton, Patti Bedenbaugh. econd row: Helen Carroll, Bets)' Bond, Kathy DeVane,
Claudia \Vhclc\s, nne Owens, Jeanette Horne, Libba Wolf, \1argaret llcndcrson, Diane Daughtry. Third row: \lary
Dean Willis, Jan Kirb)', Mike \laso, .\lien Rilc:h David Fikc, Ann \lcFadden, T,onda Charles, usan \1erkel, Pat
orbin. Fourth row: Pat Hunter, Debbie Dyal, Dust)' ~tiller, Jimbo Rivers, nne annon, Deborah Hancock, .\1ike
Tillotson, Gaines McFadden.