Page 118 - chs-1969
P. 118
Club Serves School And Community.
The ke\ Club is <lll all'iliate of the Ki\\ <lllis Inlemational. The nwmlwrs an·
boys from grades ten through t\\ehe \\hO have a "B" a\erage.
Throughout the past ) ear the; han• collectt•d tickets at the home football
games, sponsored the I lonwcoming D,mee, organi/ed ,llld put into dli.·ct the
Calendar Girl Contest, and sponsored a \ 'eteran in the \. \. \Vlwelchair parade
<lS p<llt of tlwir man; <tcti\ Itit•s.
Officer\, front nm, Jell to ri~-:ht: \lil-c BJot·l-cr, \ ice-pre,ident;
Bet-.~ Bond. "" eetheart. Set·ond ro": Bert kin~-:. Hccordin~-: C,ecre-
tar~; \Jan Bcr).:m;tnn, lkporter. Third nm: C,parl-' Ciehei).:, Trea-
'>urer; IIerman 1), aJ, Pn•,ident. Fourth I'll\\: Dann\ ( harJe,, Cor-
re,p<)Jldin~-: Secreian; \lr. Hu,,ell, 'pon,or ·
Kc~ CJuh 'mccthcart--- But which one?