Page 194 - chs-1972
P. 194

Senior Directory

             Martha Sharon Aiken
             "Man  ha  hi   will,  but  woman  ha   her

             E  ie Mae Akin
             "Be your  elf or nothing at all"

             Phylli  Jean  Akins
             "She  will  leave  nothing  behind  except lov-
             ing thought  and  kindnes "

             Pamela Gail Alderman
             'She completes each ta  k with a  mile"
             Engli  h  Award  1;  Drama  Club  1;  Band
             FHA  1;  Tri-Hi-Y  1,2,3-Hi  torian  1-Sgt at
             Arms  2;  Pep  Club  2;  American  Field  Ser-
             vice  2,3,4;  Girl's  State  Candidate  3;  Tiger
             Staff  3,4;  FTA  3,4--Pre  ident  4;  Annual
             Repre  entative  3;  Intramural  3;  Home-
             coming  Committee  4;  Pre  identail  Award
             3;  Photography  Club  4;  Beta  Club  4;  Stu-
             dent  Council 4;  Columbian  Staff  4-Editor
             4;  Project Pride Committee 4
                                                     Kerry louis Baas                        Arthur Nelson  Bedenbaugh
             Joyce  Naomi Alita                     "Laid aside school and gone a-huntin!"   "Work  fascinates  me, ,I  can  sit  and  watch
             "Quiet water  run deep"                 Football1; Science Club 2; Track 4      it for  hour "
                                                                                            FFA  1,2,3,4;  Student  Council  1;  Key  Club
             Deborah Ann Ander  on                   Gretchen Diane Bailey
             "There  i  charm  within  the  singing  of  her   "She enters the room voice first!"
             voice"                                  Powder  Puff  1,2,3,4;  Bon-Fire  Committee
             Basketball  2,3;  FHA  1;  Chorus  2;  Advisory   3;  Presidential Award  2;  Homecoming Skit   Reynard Bennett
             Council  3,4-Pre  ident  4;  Miss  CHS  4;   2,3;  Homecoming  Parade  1,2;  Columbian   "You  don't  know  what  you  got  till  you
             Class  Vice  Pre  ident  3;  Student  Council   Staff  4-Underclas  men  Editor  4;  Tri- Hi-Y   lose if'
             2,3,4-0fficer at large 1                1,4;  FTA  2;  FHA  1-Social  Chairman  1;   FFA4
                                                     AFS  2,3;  Field  Day  4;  Student  Director  of
                                                     Sr. Play 4;  Intra murals 1
             Mary Catherine Ander  on                                                        Gerald lamar Beville
             "The les  aid, the more done"          William Wayne Bailey                    "Give the world the best you  have"
             Transfer  3;  4-H  1,2,3-Treasurer 3;  FBLA  4   "You can't have your cake and eat it too"
             TAB 1;  DECA 4

                                                    linda Priscilla Banks                    Cheryl Kay  Blackley
                                                    "Friendliness paves the road to success"   "Work and love-those are the basics"
             Gregory Barton Arnold  No.24                                                    Tri-Hi-Y  1,2;  Drama  Play  3;  Drama  Club 4;
             "Women  may  not  be  much,  but  they  are                                     Science  Club  2;  library  2;  OCT  4-Re-
             the best other  ex we  have"            Patricia Ann Barnard                    cording Secretary 4
             Student Council 1;  Upsilon  Kappa  Phi  3,4;   "Her  body  grows  in  the  open  air  and  she
             Key  Club  2,3,4;  Tennis  4;  FCA  3,4;  Foot-  eats and sleeps with the earth"
             ball1,4                                 Drama Club 4                            Robin  Gerrell Blackwell
                                                                                             "A willing heart, a  helping hand"
                                                                                             Paramedics  2,3-Sgt  at  Arms  3;  Art  Club
             Renita lou Atkinson                     Major Jessel  Baisden  Ill              4;  FHA 1; Tri-Hi-Y 3,4
             "Her ways are ways of plea  antness"    "A  mixture  of  knowledge  and  a  good
             FHA 1; Paramedics 2;  DECA 3;  OCT 4    friend"
                                                     Class  President  1,2;  Student  Council  1,2;   Cheryl Bland
                                                     Photo  3,4;  Science  Club  4;  Stage  band   "Never a dull moment"
             Mark Arthur Atwood No.43                3,4; Band 1,2; Band Officer 3,4; Track 4   Tri-Hi-Y 2
             "If  at  fir  t  you  don't  succeed  that  makes
             you about average"
             Football 3,4;  Floor  how at  Prom  2;  FCA  4;   David Edward  Bassett         Roseanna Bondi
             Golf 3,4;  Key  Club 2,3,4              "let tomorrow take care of tomorrow"    "Judge not her worth by her size"
                                                     DCT4                                    FHA  1;  Drama  Class  Play  2;  Drama  Club
                                                                                             3; FTA 1
             Glenda Gaye Avery
             "I need no in  tinct  but my own"       Ann  Bedenbaugh
             FHA  1;  Drama  Play  3;  4-H  3,4-Secretary   "Talk  she  can,  talk  she  will,  her  tongue  is
             4;  Drama Club 1,4; AFS  3,4            very seldom still"                      Arthur Nelson Bedenbaugh
                                                     Epsilon  Phi  Sorority  4;  Student  Council  2;
                                                     Tri-Hi-Y  1,2,3-Sec  1-V.  Pres  2-Pres  3;   3; FTA 1
             linda Faye Avery                        FHA  1-V.  Pres;  Powder  Puff  Football
             "Joy,  spirit  and  peace  are  the  building   1,2,4;  AFS  3,4;  Band  1;  Homecoming:
             blocks"                                 Field  Day  2,4  Skit  2,3-Committee  2;   Glenn  Howard Boyette
             Pep  Club  2;  Spanish  Club  3,4;  Beta  Club   Usher at  Miss  CHS  3;  Columbian  Staff 4-  "Rea  on  is  not  measured  by  ize  or  height
             4;  4-H  2,3,4-Vice  President  4;  Drama   Sr.  Directory;  FSA  4;  Tiger  Staff  4;  Floor   but by principle"
             Club 4; FHA 1; AFS  3,4                 Show 2; Softball3; Senior Play 4        FFA 1,2,4;  Key Club 2

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