Page 197 - chs-1972
P. 197
Gaetan DeMoffarts James Edward Dutton James Samuel Evans
"The talent of uccess is nothing more "Can we have too much of a good thing'' "Friendline s paves the road to success"
than doing what you can do well; and Chess Club 2; Science Club 2; Tennis FFA 1; Civics Club 1; Drama Club 2,3;
doing well whatever you do without a Team 3,4; Beta Club 4 DECA4
thought of fame"
Foreign Exchange Student from Belgium 4;
Photography Club 4-President: Key Club Rose Marie Evans
4; Drama Club 4; Beta Club 4; Science Gloria Jean Durrance "A smile i omething that adds to value"
Club 4; AFS 4; Columbian Staff 4-Pho- "Do unto other as you would have others Pep Club 2; Beta Club 4
tographer do unto you"
DECA 3,4-Pres 3; 4-H 4-V. Pres; Physi-
cal Fitness 1,2 Gregory Allen Fain
Kay Delores Dennard "Full of fun and mischief, ask his teacher
"Never say more than is necessary" and you will see"
Drama Club 3; FSA 3; CBE 4 Scott Kennedy Echols Student Council 2,3,4; Drama Club 2,3,4;
"Wi dom i knowing when you can't be Art Club 2; Track 3,4; Float Committee 4;
wise" Homecoming E cort 4
Janet Lynn Dicks Transfer 4; Chorus 1,2; Spanish Club 2,4;
"Of manners so gentle, of heart so kind" Stage Band 1; Key Club 3,4; Beta Club 4; Wayne Lee Farrell
FHA 1; Physical Education Award 3; Per- National Honor Society 3,4; Drama Club "Did nothing particular, did it very well"
fect Attendance 2,3 1,4; Student Council 3,4; Science Club 4; Band 4
Columbian Staff 4; Tiger Staff 4
Regal Jewitt Dicks Genis Don Farmer
"Men of few words are often the besf' "Do unto others as you would have them
Football 2; FFA 1 ,3,4 Katrina Pearl Edenfield
do unto you"
"There's a lot to be said for the girl that Basketball 3
doesn't say it herself"
Roy Steven Dicks 4- H 1,2,3-Secretary; Powder Puff Football
"He looks quite safe and sound but o 3; Sec of Church Class 1 ,2,3,4; FHA 3; Sec Farrell Fenton Feagle
does gunpowder" of Training Union Cia s 1,2,3; CBE 4-Re- "The will to do and the soul to dare"
FFA 2,3,4-Reporter 2-Sec 3-V Presi- porter 4
dent 4; Key Club 2; Band 1
Greg Noland Ferguson
"The only way to rid of temptation to
James Drisde Edwards
Rose Mary Dixon "Cute as a button and not much bigger" yield to if'
Key Club 2,3
"She is nice by name and nature" FFA 2,3,4
Dance Group 1; Cheerleader 1; Softball
1; Basketball1
Barbara Jean Fleming
''There is a lovely sparkle about her"
Earl "P-Nuf' Ellis FHA 1; DE 4
David Sherman Douglas "All who know him are hi friends"
"Let the world roll along, I'll get there la-
ter" Naomi Fleming
FFA 1; Church Basketball and Football 3; David Ray Espenship No. 64 "Deep in her heart joy eems to dwell"
4-H 3; Basketball manager 2 "The less of routine, the more of life" Student Council 2; Afro-American Club 2;
Football 2,3,4; FFA 3,4; Baseball 4 Spanish Club 3; DECA 4
Mark Elliott Douglas
"What makes the world go around is James Wynn Estes Valerie Fleming
love; what makes the sky blue is God" "A fine boy with a great personality'' "Hitch your wagon to a star but hold your
Band 1,2,3,4
Key Club 2,3; Photography Club 3 horse "
Susan Diann Douglas
"God loves to help him who strives"
Perfect Attendance 1; Chorus 1,2,4
Yvonne Patricia Douglas
"But the tongue can no man tame; it is an
unruly evil, full of deadly poison"
FHA 1; Chorus 3; 4-H 4
Mary Patrice Drew
"Born for Success"
Leslie Donald Dubo e
"There'll be a hot time in the old town
DECA 4; FFA 1,2
Sharon Kay Duncan
"A radiant smile always brings warmth to
the human hearf'
Cheerleader 2,3,4; Beta Club 3,4; FHA 1;
National Honor Society 3,4; Tri-Hi-Y 1,2;
Photography Club 3,4; Prom Committee
3; Spanish Club 2; AFS 3,4; Tiger Staff 4;
Youth Council First Baptist Curch 4; Co-
lumbian Staff 4-Sports editor; Floor