Page 195 - chs-1972
P. 195
Diane Elizabeth Bozzuto live forever" Anita Ruth Bunn
"Very quiety, very weet, a kinder girl you Epsilon Phi Sorority 3,4; Tri-Hi-Y 2,3; Prom "Although he doesn't have much to ay,
will never meet" Server 2; Calendar Girl 3; AFS 3; Powder she make the most of everyday''
Puff Football 2,3,4; Field Day 2; Prom
Committee 3; Miss CHS Contestant 3;
Sheryl Elaine Brabson Homecoming Attendant 4; Columbian Sonya Burge s
"Nothing is impossible to a willing hearf' Staff 4; Float Committee 2,3,4; Skit 3 "Too good for banning and too bad for
Tri-Hi-Y 1,3; Powder Puff Football3,4
Student Council 2; Afro-American Club 2;
Geni leanne Brown
Fredrick Daniel Braden "Sometime quiet, sometimes shy, but the Spanish Club 3,4; lntramurals 3,4; FTA 4;
Varsity R 2; Drama Club 4; Basketball1,2
"What should a man do but be merry?" rest of the time-oh my!"
Ep ilon Phi Sorority 4; Tri-Hi-Y 1,2,3; FHA
1; Powderpuff Football1,2,3,4-capt 3
Patricia Ann Burnette
Frederick Bradley "Kindness go.e far"
"Worry killed a man, why worry?"
Boy Scouts 2 Alvin lee Brown
"Thinking is an idle waste of thoughts"
Janet Sue Burnsed
"Little study, no worry-is my idea of hap-
L. C. Bradley No. 84 pines"
"There's no limit to intelligence" Pat Ann Brown FBLA 4; CBE 4; Intramural
Football 3,4; Band 2,3,4; FCA 4; Baseball "lfs a thin line between love and hate"
1,2,3,4; Student Council 2 Columbian Staff 4 Jimmy Carl Bush
"Shhh ... I'm trying to sleep"
FFA 4; OCT 4
Lula Mae Bradley Debra Marcel Brown
"lfs a thin line between love and hate" "She i like a breeze-gentle and sweef'
Afro-American Club 2; Columbian Staff 4; FHA 1,3-Historian 3; FSA 3,4; Softball 2; Calvin Curti Butts
FTA4 VOE 4-Hi torian 4 "One thing you can give and still keep
your word"
Basketball1,2,3,4; Football1
Mary Brady Eddie Brown
"To be or not to be" "We have confused the free with the free
and easy''
Advi ory Council 3,4; Band 2,3,4; Boy Yolanda Byrd
"Things will happen o whaf the need"
Wil on Michael Branch No 88 Scouts 2 FHA1
'I'll smile my way out of thi one-you
Served at Prom 2; Track 2,3,4; Baseball 4; William lawrence Brown Cynthia Cain
FCA 3,4-Treasurer 4; Vice President 4; "There is determination hidden in his "A sen e of humor with plenty of pep"
Key Club 3,4; Basketball 1; Football quiet way'' Transfer4; Tri-Hi-Y4; FBLA4; CBE4
1,2,3,4; Student Council 1; Boy's State 3;
Bengal Club 4; Physical Fitness 1; Unsung
Hero 4 Almedia Jewell Bryant loretta Camiel
"A little body often harbor a great soul." "Live for today for tomorrow never
FHA 1; Beta Club 3,4; AFS 3; library Club come"
Ronald Hill Brannon 4; Columbian Staff 4-Copy Editor; Tiger
"You can't bend a cracker" Staff 4
Upsilon Kappa Phi 3; Tennis Team 3; larry Donelle Campbell
Cia s Rep. 2,3,4; Homecoming Skit 2; Golf "I belong to a union . . my book are
Team 2; Student Council 4; Tri-Hi-Y Ma- Richard Franklin Bryant closed at nighf'
cot 4; Beta Club 3,4; Science Club 2; Key "Never to be forgotten by those who Basketball 1,2,3,4
Club 2,3,4-skit 2; Football1,3 know him"
Sharon lynne Capell
Brenda Sue Bray Katheryn Buchanon "She freshly and cheerfully ask , "How
"lovely in person and wealthy in know- "She i always in a holiday humor" can I kill time?"
ledge" FHA 1; Tri-Hi-Y 1,2; Paramedical Club 2;
Tri-Hi-Y 1,2,3,4; Good Citizen hip Award Art Club 3,4; Tigerette 1
1; Cheerleader 1,2,3-Captain 2; National Mitchell Thoma Buchanon Ill
Honor Society 3,4-Sec 4; Key Club "When the bomb goes off, make ure
Sweetheart 4; Secretary 2,4; Treasurer 3; you're higher than the bomb" Kevin Kilpatrick Carson No.42
Girl's State 3; Powder Puff 1,2; Chorus Ac- Art Club 2,3,4-V. Pres 4; Library Club 3; "He tries to do his duty the best he can"
compani t 2; Student Council 2,3; Beta Student Council1 Football 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1,2,3,4; FCA 4;
Club 3,4; Usher at Graduation 3; Bac- Wrestling 4; Tennis 4; Spani h Club 1,2;
calaureate 2 National Honor Society 3,4; Key Club 3,4;
Barbara Buie
"Keep miling, that makes everybody Beta Club 3,4
Donald lee Breckenridge wonder what you've been up to"
"Be silent when you doubt your sense" Powder Puff Football 3,4; Tri-Hi-Y 1,2; Eva Mae Carter
FHA1; Band1
"lfs a thin line between love and hate"
Marie A. Bricker 4- H Club 4; FHA 4; Paramedic 4
"love, Peace, and Freedom" David Bullard
"Whatever i worth doing at all is worth Debra Gail Cason
Barbara Ann Bridges doing well" "Live and let live"
"Who said I don't like boys?" Football4; OCT 4 FHA 2,3,4-Vice Pre of Recreation
lntramurals 1; Softball Team 3; Tri- Hi- Y 1; 2-Vice Pres of Degrees 3-Hi torian 4;
Library 2; FHA 1,4
Girl's Choru 4; Ba ketball 2
Robert Zollie Bullington
"Calmly and peacefully he treads life'
linda lu Briscoe way'' Ruby Sherrill Cason
"If laughter prolonged life ... she would Football 2; Ba ketball 3 "All comes out even at the end of the