Page 199 - chs-1972
P. 199

"I am the greedy man on the warpath"   John  Henry Jackson  No.33              lice  Explorer  3;  Motorcycle  Club  3;  DE
         FFA 3; Music Club 3; DECA 4            "Weak  men  wait  for  opportunitie  ,  trong   3,4
                                                men make them"
         Patricia lee Hambrick                                                          Essie  Delores Johnson
         "Early  to  bed,  early  to  rise  until  you  make                            "It's a  thin line between love and  hate"
         enough cash otherwise"                 Katie Ann Jackson                       Student Council 2;  DECA 4
         DE 3;  DECA 3;  OCT 4                  "Silence is an As  et''
                                                FHA 1
                                                                                        Evon Johnson
         Mary Kim  Hammond                                                              "With  malice  towards  none,  and  charity
         "Of  all  the  animals,  the  boy  i  the  mo  t   Rebecca lynn Jackson        for all"
         unmanagable"                           "And  seem a  saint  when  most  play  the de-
         Epsilon  Phi  Sorority 4;  Volleyball 1;  Tri- Hi-  vil"
         y  1,2;  Track  Team  1;  AFS  3;  OCT  4;   Epsilon  Phi  Sorority  3,4-Sgt  at  Arm  4;
         Homecoming:  Parade  2-Fioat  2,3-Skit   Annual  Repre  entative  2;  Tri-Hi-Y  1,2;
         3;  Powderpuff Football1 ,2,3;  FHA 1   Powderpuff  Football  1,2,3,4;   U  her  at   Alvin )one
                                                Class  Night  2;  Cheerleader  2;  Floorshow   "So end  the bloody bu  ine  s of the day''
                                                at  Prom  2;  PE  Achievement  Award  2;  Ten-
         Susan louise Hampton                   nis 4;  Homecoming Skit 2,3-Field Day 2
         "love and someone will  surely love back"
         Art Club 2,3,4; Columbian Staff 4                                              Maxine Bernice )one
                                                Martha Nell James
                                                "There is  no ship like friend  hip"    "Give the world the best you  have"
                                                                                        FHA 1; 4-H 3; VOE 4
         Theodore  Hugh Handley                 VOE4
         "I need no instinct  but my own"
         Band  1,2,3,4-Drum  Major  4-V President                                       Richard Allen Jones
         3;  Health  Careers  4;  DeMolay  1,2,3,4;   Priscilla Ro  e Jenkins           "The world is  his  who enjoys it''
         Concert  Band  1,2,3,4;  Pep  Band  1,2,3,4;   "You  can  smile  when  you  can't  ay  a   Art Club 2
         Explorer Sheriffs Club 3               word, you can smile"
                                                Student  C?uncil  1,2,3,4;-0fficer at  large;
                                                Afro-Amen can  Club  2;  Phi  Psi  Delta  4 ·
                                                                                        Daniel Ray Jordan
         Sara Ann Harden                        Spanish  Club  4;  Drama  Club  4;  FHA  1,2;   "He either find  a  way or makes one"
         "Happy go lucky''                      Majorette 4;  FTA  4;  Columbian  Staff 4;  Ti-  VICA 3-Pre  3;  FFA 4;  Band 1,2
                                                ger Staff 4
        leonard F.  Harrington                                                          Joann Felicia Jordan
        "Silence is strength"                   Raymond Jennings                        "It i  a merry heart that ha  many friends"
         FFA4;DCT4                              "Men  may  come  and  men  may  go,  but  I
                                                go on forever"
         Don Felton  Harri                                                              Arlene Kauffman
        "He is an all around good fellow''                                              "She  rides  in  the  whirlwind  and  directs
        FFA 3; VICA 3; 4-H  Club 3              Willie James Jernigan, Jr.   No. 11     the storm"
                                                "Fascinating  ... effortless  wit  ... Mr.   Physical  Fitness  Award  1,2;  Powder Puff  3;
                                                Cool"                                   Tri-Hi-Y  2,3,4-Secretary 3-V Pre  4;  FSA
        John Franklin  Hilton                   Basketball  1,2,3,4;  Football  1,2,3,4;  FCA  4;   4; Choir 1; Softball1,2,3,4;  FBlA 4
        "Say  what  you  think  about  the  devil;  he's   Baseball1,2,3,4
        a  hu  tier"
         DE  3,4-Vice  President  4;  Basketball  1,2;                                  Shelton Ray  Keen   No.10
        Football1,2                             Hugh Wallace John   No. 20              "Doubtless  God  could  have  made a  better
                                                "See the concern in  my eye?"           berry, but doubtless God never did"
         Cynthia lee Hilty
         "Some  haystacks  don't  even  have  a   Football  2,3,4;  Basketball  2;  Track  2;  Po-  Baseball2,3,4;  Football2,4; Bengal Club 4
         National  Honor  Society  3,4;  Cheerleader
         2;  Powder  Puff  Football  4;  Spani  h  Club
         2,4;  Student  Council 3,4;  Tri-Hi-Y  1,2;  AFS
         3,4;  Tiger  Staff  4;  Beta  Club  3,4;  FHA  1;
         Drama Club 3,4

         James Walter Horton
         "It  is  better  to  be  idle  than  busy  about

         Jon Randall Howard
         "A  little  work  never  hurt  anyone  but  why
        be the first one?"

        William  Harold  Howard
        "He takes thing  as they come"
        Chess  Club  2;  Bible  Club  4;  Science  Club
        3 library Club 3

         Dennis Edward  Hyde
        "I go to  chool to cut the fool"

        Bobby Ivory
        "The birds can fly,  so why can't I?"

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