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day"                                   Brenda louise Cone                      Danny Teague Cullings
                                                    "She is  nice by name and nature"       "A friendly lad  is  he"
             4- H 2,3;  DECA 4
                                                    Cheerleader  1,2,3;  Beta  Club  2,3;  FHA  1;
                                                    Student  Council  3;  Pep  Club  2,3;  VOE  4;
             Tere  a Chri  tine Cayton              Tri-Hi-Y 3                              Richardo Alonzo Dandy
             "Bu  y as a bee, quiet and  hy  i  he"                                         "Calmly  and  peacefully  he  treads  life's
                                                    Carol Ann Cook                          4-H Club 4;  FFA 4
                                                    "She  ha  one smile for  every  girl  and  two
             Ola Rebecca Chambliss
             "A cheerful heart, a friendly smile"   for every boy''
             French  Club  1;  Drama  Club  1;  Tri- Hi-Y   Tri-Hi;Y  1,2;  Beta  Club  3,4;  CYO  1,2,3,4;   Edith Daniels
             2,3;   Student   Council   1,3,4;   DECA   lntramurals  1;  Girl  Scouts 1;  Spanish  Club   "Calmly  and  peacefully  she  treads  life's
             4-Trea  urer 4; Served at Prom 2;  FHA 1   3,4; Drama Club 4; AFS 3,4; Pep Club 2   way''
                                                                                            FHA 4;  4-H Club 4
             Cary Micheal Chaney                    Donald Wilmer Cook
             "A little  work, a  little  play"      "None but himself can be hi  Parallel"   Donald lee Daugherty
             Art  Club 1,3;  Football 1             4-H 1,2,3,4;  President 4               "let  the  world  roll  along,  I'll  get  there  la-
                                                                                            Basketball  1,2,3;  Baseball  1,2,3,4;  Football
             Robert Bruce Charles                    Barbara Jean Cooper                    1,2,3
             "Ever the  ame"                         "None but herself can  be her parallel"
             A V Projectionists 4                                                            Olan Palmer Daughtry
                                                                                             "Sleep now, work later"
                                                    Sharon Mae Cooper                        Spanish Club 2,3;  Boy Scouts 1 ,2,3
             Alton Price  Christie                   "She's a friend  to everyone"
             " You  can't win them all"
                                                                                             Barry leonard Davis
             FFA 1,2,3,4
                                                     linda lee Copeland                      "He i  a sure card"
                                                     " Beauty is  not caused; it is"
             Heyward Preston Christie                Epsilon  Phi  Sorority 3,4-Honorable Mem-
             " What will be will  be"                ber;  Student  Council  1,2,3,4;  Convention   Clai re  Erlene Davis
             Intramural Football 3; FFA 1;  Field  Day 4   2;  Clas  Treasurer  2,4;  Class  Secretary  3;   "She like  pleasure, fun and everyone"
                                                     FHA  1;  Tri-Hi-Y  1,2;  library  Club  2;   DECA 4-Sweetheart 4
                                                     Science  Club  2;  Powderpuff  Football
             Jessie loretta Clark                    1 ,2,3;  Server  at  Prom  2;  Usher  at  Gradua-
             " Smiling Face"                         tion  3;  Usher  at  Baccalaureate 2;  Calendar   Jeannette Davis
             FTA 4;  FHA 2                           Girl  3;  Girls  Sate  Nominee  3;  Homecom-  "A  sen  e  of  humor  with  plenty  of  non-
                                                     ing Queen 4;  Miss CHS Contestant 3     sense"
             Dorman Webster Clayton
             " live one day at a  time"              Carol Denise Corbin                     Judy Davis
             FFA 3,4                                 "A sunny smile, a sunny way''           "live  your  life  the  way  you  feel,  not  the
                                                     lntramurals  2,3;  Spanish  Club  4;  AFS  4;   way others feel"
                                                     Choir  1,2,3;  Ensemble  3;  Drama  Club  3;
             Belinda Sue Clemon                      FTA3
             "Courte y cost  nothing"                                                        Micki Terra Davis
             Health Careers 2,3;  FHA 2;  DCT 4                                              "life's  most  precious  gift  come  in  small
                                                     John lnnman Cox No.65                   packages"
                                                     " Teachers  don't  recognize  a  genius  when
             Katherine  Gail Coates                  they see one"
             "Always  laughing  never  sad,  sometimes   Motorcycle  Club  1,2;  Student  Council  1;   Queen Ester Davis
             naughty but never bad"                  Football 1,2,3,4;  Basketball  1;  Track 2;  Tri-  "Calmly  and  peacefully  she  treads  life's
             Science  Club  3,4;  Readers  Theatre  3;   Hi-Y  mascot  3;  Baseball  2,4;  RA's  1;  Boy   way''
             Music Club 3;  DCT 4                    Scouts1;  Colf4 ;  FFA4;  FCA4

                                                     Nora Gretchen Cox                       Vanessa Charlene Davis
             Carol Ida Coker                         "She's  not  too  quiet,  not  too  shy;  he's  a   " light hair, bright eyes and a  happy  mile"
             "lfs  nice  to  be  important,  but  ifs  impor-  friend that will  never die"   Repre  entative 2; Tri-Hi-Y 2;  FHA 1
             tant to be nice"                        Homecoming  Skit  3;  Paramedics  2;  AFS
             Drama  Club  1;  Softball  2;  FHA  1,3;  FSA   3,4; Tri-Hi-Y 1,2,3,4;  FHA 1
             3,4; VOE 4-Secretary 4
                                                                                             Thomas Chester Dawkins
                                                                                             "let the world slide"
                                                     Daniel Thomas Cawford
             Cwenova Marie Collins                   "Why  worry,  worry  never  made  men
             "Alway  trying to be an individual"     greaf'                                  Faye Ann  Dawson
             4-H  1,2,3,4;  CYO  1,2,3,4;  Beta  Club  3,4;   DE 3,4                         "She's a girl  of splendid ability''
             National  Honor  Society  3;  Drama  Club                                       Photography  Club  3,4;  Calendar  Girl  4;
             3,4;  Spanish  Club  4;  Field  Day  3;  Pep                                    Spanish Club 2;  AFS  3,4;  Dama Club 4
             Club 2;  AFS  3,4                       Curtis lee Cray
                                                     "Give the world the best you  have"
                                                                                             Glenn Edward Demille
             Milfrank Sterling Combs                                                         "The world is  his  who enjoy  if
             "Duty before pleasure"                  Alan Crews
                                                     "let us do or die"                      Art Club 2,3,4
                                                     Art Club 4
             Penny Diane Combs
             "lfs not  that  I  like  to  study  les  ,  but that  I
             love fun more"                          Rudy Allen Crews                        Carlton lamar Dempsey
             FHA  2,3,4-Treasurer  3-President  4;  Pep   "Although  he  doesn't  have  much  to  say,   "There  are  many  that  say,  'we  wish  there
             Club  1;  French  Club  1;  Science  Club  1;   he makes the most of everyday"   were more like you' "
             Math Club 1                             Tri-Hi-Y ma  cot 4                      FFA 4

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