Page 205 - chs-1978
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On January 21 , 1978, the Quarter-
back Club sponsored the Tiger Ban-
quet with Coach Bobby Bowden,
head coach of the Florida Semi-
noles as guest speaker. The ban-
quet began at 6:30 with dinner in
the cafeteria. After dinner all of the
guests met in the commons for the
award presentations.
When the moment finally came,
Coach Owens gave the Outstanding
Defensive Back Award to Guerry Es-
penship. Guerry, the safety for the
7 8
Tiger Boys Receive High Honors
Tigers, intercepted passes that if Valuable Player Award, which he Unsung Hero Award to Jim Breza.
completed could have changed the also received last year. During this football season Jim was
game score in favor of the always the first to practice and the
opposition. Coach Colvin presented the Out- last to leave. This year the coaches
standing Offensive Lineman award started a new award. This award,
The Outstanding Defensive Line- to Tim Hester, a guy who never quit the T.A. Daniels Tiger Spirit Award
man Award went to Jay Milton, who even when the going got tough. went to Duke Silvey. Duke received
stopped alot of key plays in key this award due to the way he kept
games. This award was presented The Most Improved Player Award his teammates in the Tiger spirit.
to him by Coach Justice. This year this year went to Kelly Lowrey, a ju-
marked the first time that anyone nior who had started at defensive
has ever received the Most Out- back and moved to quarterback. 1. Outstanding Defensive Back-Guerry Espen-
standing Offensive Back Award This award was presented by Coach ship. 2. Outstanding Defensive Lineman-Jay
Milton. 3. Outstanding Offensive Back-Tommy
twice, so again Coach Hale Hunter. Young. 4. Outstanding Offensive Lineman- Tim
presented this award to Tommy Hester. 5. Most Improved-Kelly Lowrey. 6. Un-
Young. Tommy received the Most Wayne Hollingsworth presented the sung Hero- Jim Breza . 7. T.A. Daniels
Award-Duke Silvey. 8. Most Valuable
Player- Tommy Young.