Page 201 - chs-1978
P. 201
Tigers Out Maneurer the Commanders of Ed White
Tiger defenders stops Ed White gain. Lowrey on the keef)fJr gets stopped at the line.
On the Tiger's first possession, they 11 . Lowery got things rolling with a
showed excellent execution. From pass to Ricky Raulerson, which was
their own 34, they drove downfield good for 59 yds. Young ran to the
in 3 plays to the White 7 with carries six on two carries. Lowrey on the
from Tommy Young and Mike Dace. keeper went over for the score.
From here, Young ran for daylight Johnson's kick was good. The score
and scored. Paul Johnson's kick read 22-22.
was good. The Tigers led 7-0.
In one of the deciding plays of the
After a Kelly Lowrey fumble on the game, Guerry Espenship inter-
White 41. Behind quarterback Greg cepted a Mosley pass at the Tiger
Mosley, who broke for the scoring 34. Young with a tremendous run
run from the Tiger 4 7. A two-point carried to the 3. Here the call was
given to Marshall Wilson for the TO.
conversion was made and the score
The kick was good. The Tigers led
stood 7-8 Ed White.
Penalties haulted several Tiger
On White 's next possesion, they
drives, White took control on the Ti-
moved it to the Tiaer 1. On three
ger 14, and drove it in for the score, tries, the Tiger defense held the
which made it 15-7. Commanders from scoring.
Following another Tiger fumble, The Tigers werfJ unable to get a
White engineered another scoring drive started. They punted and the
drive. The extra point was good and commanders took over in good field
the Commanders led 22-7. position. Mosley pas$ed quickly to
Randy Jordan in the endzone for
On their own 24 yard line, the Tigers the score. The PAT made it 29-29.
moved the ball to the 9. The ball was
given to Young, who hammered into Tommy Young scored after runs by
the endzone for the score. The Ti- Dace and Wilson, and a pass to Wil-
Tommy Young "Kicking out". gers went for two with Young on the liams with the kick no good.
carry. He went in for the conversion.
The Commanders led now only by 7 The Tigers left the field the victors
points at the half. In the second half, with final score 35-29.
the Tiger offense took over on their