Page 59 - chs-1987
P. 59

Senior Directory

             George  Blay  Abn  y                   harma Lyn  Atkin  on           at10n  Queen  Conte  t  12;   ational
     JV  f  tball  1  0;  Var  ity football  11,  Tenni  Team 10  11, 12,  Ia  Pre  i-  High  chool Rodeo   ociation  1  0,
     1"'   o-captam  12,   atwnal  Honor  dent  10,  11,  12;  Youth  ouncil  11,   11'  12
      o  1ety  10,  11;  Beta  lub  11,  12;  12;  tudent  ouncil 10,  11,  12;   a-
     Mu    Jpha  Theta  10,  11,  12,  Pre  i-  tiona}  Honor  ociety  1 0,  11,  12;      harlotte  Iaine  Beth  a
     dent 12; Florida Athlete Leader  hip  Beta  lub  10,  11,  12;  CHAO  10,     FHA  10;  Intramurals  10;  Home-
       onference  12;  Track  12;  French  12;  Mu  Alpha  Theta  11;  Interact    coming Activitie  10,  11,  12;  Ch1ld
       Jub  11,  12,  Who'  Who  12         10,  11,  12;  Who'  Who  12           Guidance  chool  Volunteer  11,  12:
                                                                                   FFA  12
            Lorrie  nn     derho1d                  Donna  Gayle  Atwell
                                              pani  h   lub  10;  Tigerette  11;             erie Lynn  Birchard
            Jeffre  Julian  hren            D  T12                                   pani  hClub 10,  11,  12;  FBLA 12;
                                                                                   CB  12
            Wendy Gal       lbright
                                                   Timothy Jerald Bailey
                                                                                          David  Kirkland  Bi  hop
                                            JROT       ompan}  Commander  10,
             Glad    Marie  II  n
                                             11;  Battalion S-2 in charge of  ecu-
       BLA  12                                                                           Donnie Dean  Blackwell
                                             rity  12;  Football  1 0;  D  T  12
                                                                                   VICA  10,  11;  D  CA  12
            u  argain Julio  mparo
       rench    Jub  10,  11,  12;   pani  h        Kathye  li  a  Baker                  Randall  D  rrall  Bond
       Jub  10,  11;   H  0   10,  12;  Mu    horu  10;  FHA 12;  chool Volun-
       Jpha Theta 11,  12,  tudent  oun-     teer  12                                      Tara Paige Boutwell
     cil  11;  Youth  Council  11;  JROT                                           Yearbook  taff  12;  Interact  12;
     Battalion  Ordnance  Offtcer  11,                te  en  cott Baker           Homecoming Activitie  10,  11,  12
     Battalion  Training  and  Operation     JV  ootball 1 0; Var  ity Football 11,
     Officer  12,  VI    12                  12; Be  t Wtde Receiver 12; Ba  eball       Jame  Barton Brad  haw
                                             10,  11,  12;  Mot  Improved  11;     Beta Club  11,  12; CHAO  10;  Mu
             amilla  Paige  nder  on         Who'  Who  12                         Alpha Theta 11,  12,  Vice-pre  ident
       pani  h  lub  10,  11,  12;   rt Club                                        12;  Track  12;  Yearbook  taff  12;
      10,  11,  12,  omputer  Jub  12;  In-          Mi  t  M. Baldwin             French  Club  10,  11;  Key  Club  10,
      teract 11, 12; Key  lub 12; Journal-                                          11,  12;  M1   CH  Pageant  tage
      i m  taff  12;  Year book  ditor  12;                                        Crew 11,  12; Regional  cience Fair
      M1    CH  Conte  tant  11;  Home-                                             12; Cia  Homecoming  kit  11,  12;
                                                   Tia Wiland  Barrington
      coming  Activitie  10,  11,  12                                              Homecoming Activitie  11, 12;  en-
                                              tudent Council Repre entative 1 0;   ior  Cia  Play
          Paulette Vane  a  nder  on        JV Cheerleader  1 0;  Choru  10,  11;
      JV  Cheerleader  1 0;  Var  ity  Ba  e-  rench Club 11, 12; Liai  on Officer      Dale  Harold Breidenbach
      ball  corekeeper 11; CB  12;  pan-     12;  CBE  12                           Beta Club 11, Pre  ident 12;  a tion-
      i h Club  12;  Ke   lub  12;  Interact
                                                                                   a!  Honor  ociety  10,  11,  Trea  urer
      12;  CB    weetheart  12;  BLA  12;            Kathleen  P. Bate              12;  Mu  Alpha  Theta  10,  11,  12;
        tudent  ouncil Repre  entative 12;  FBL  1 0;  H      10,  11;  Homecom-   CH  0      10,  12;   ey  Club  10,  11,
      Who'  Who  12                          Ing  ctivitie  10,  11,  12            12;  pani  h  Club  1 0;  Art  Club  12
          Raymond  nthony  nd  r  on
                                                     Jame  David  Battle                  Matthew Jame  Brink
            Ru  ell  Phillip  nder  on                                              VI  A10,11
                                                    hri  tian  ric  Beckman
                 Tad  nder  on                                                            Lonnie  Br  an  Brinkle
                                                     harlotta Yolanda  Bell
          Tamm       ich  II   rm  trong       rt  lub  12                                   Debi  u  an  Britt
        omputer     lub  1 0;  Tigerette  1 0;                                      Key  Club  11;  French  Club  10,  11;
       Band  1 0;  Key  Jub  11,  12;  Interact                                     Art Club  12;  Interact  12;  Journal-
                                                      Penn    ue  Benton           i  m  taff  12;  tudent  Council  Re-
       12,  BL  12;  rench  lub  11,  12;
                                             Florida High  chool Rodeo A  oct·  pre entative  12;  Youth Council  11;
        B  12
                                             ation10,11,12;  BL  11;D  T12;  Homecoming Activitie  10,  11,  12;
            Michael Thoma       rnold             F  12;  2nd  Runner-up  Mi         tudent  Council   lternate  Repre-
          A  11,  12                         Florida High  chool Rodeo       oct·   entative  1  0;  Homecoming  kit  12;

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