Page 60 - chs-1987
P. 60

Prom  ommittee  11                     12,  CHAO  1 0;  Homecoming Ac-                  Tere  a  Lynn  ox
                                                    tivttie  10, 11, 12; Youth  ouncil 12   Homecoming Activitie  10,  11,  12;
                    hari  tta  herie  Brown                                                 Interact  11;  french  lub  11;   B
             Band  10;    pani  h    lub  10,  11;          J arne  H.  arignan             12;  FBL    12;  Band  10
             Homeroom  Repre  entative  10,  11,
             12;  Home  oming  Court  10,  11;             Jerry    itchell  arter                Patricia Ruanne  rew
             Home  oming Queen 12; Choru  12;                                               Tenni  10,  11,  12,  All   onference
             HO      12;  D      12;  Who'  Who              enneth  Ian  arter             10,  Mo  t  Valuable Player  11,  a p-
             12                                                                             ta in  12,  French   lub  10;  Interact
                                                         Mar  hall  nthony  arter           10;  CH  0    10;  pani  h  Club  II,
                    Katrina  andra  Brown                                                   12;  HO      Vice-pre  ident  12;   rt
             FH     11,  12;  Track  12;  Choru  12      Mar  hanna  LaRay  a  on             lub  Pre  ident  12,  BL   12
                                                      rt  lub  10;  HO     12
                        Tiare a  Brown                                                              Pam Tetre e  rum
                                                           Manuel  rturo  a  tillo          Ba  ketball  10,  11,  pani  h Club 1 0;
                     Brenda Kay  Bryant                                                     D       12
             FBL      1 0;  Interact  1 0;   pani  h         Lillian  .  hudko
             Club  11,  12;  Homecoming      ctivi-                                                 haron  atre e  urr
             tie  11,  12                                 Richard  Marion  ie  lik          CB  12
                                                    Track  12;  FFA  10
                   Jacquelyn  Felicia  Buiey                                                      Rob  rt  lden  Daniel  on
             Ba  ketball  10,  11,  12;  Choru  10,          dolphfu  D.  layton              ational  Honor  ociety  10,  11,  12;
             11,  12;  FH    Parliamentarian  11;  Ba  ketball  10,  11,  12,  Mot Valu-    Beta    lub  11,  12;  Art  Club  10,
             CBE  12;  Track  12                    able Player 10, Captain  1 0;  M u  1-  Trea  urer  11;  Mu Alpha Theta  11,
                                                     pha Theta 10,  11,  12;  pani  h  lub   12;  Homeroom  Repre entative  10,
                     imee  Marcell  Bullard          10,  11;  Key   lub  12;   omputer     11;  Boy    tate  11,  Youth   ouncil
             HO  A  11,  12; FH  12;  Homecom-       Club  12;  Who'  Who  12               10,  11,  12; Key  lub 12; Homecom-
             Ing   ctivitie  10,  11,  12                                                   ing  ctivitie  10,  11;  rench  Club
                                                            Jennifer  anc     obb           1 0;  Journalt  m   taff  12;   chool
                   Lea  nne  Deni  e  Bundy           rench  Club  10;      H  0      10;   Pride    ward    cience  and    ocial
             Art Club 1 0;  pani  h Club 1 0;  Beta  Homecoming  ctivitie  10,  11,  12;     tudie  12
             Club  10,  11,  12;  CH  0    10,  11;  Interact  11,  12;  Key  lub  12
             Mu  Alpha  Theta  10,  11;  FFA  11,                                                Laronda Tere  a  Darri  aw
             12, Vice-pre  ident 12; VIC    weet-            let eland  ollin  , Jr.        Tran  fer  from     merican  High
             heart 12;  Vocational Indu  trial Re-                                           chool,  Miami,  Florida,  12
             pre entatlve  12                                Daniel  arl  ollin
                                                                                                   Deanne Loui  e  Dar  t
                     Laurie Bernice Byrd                  Michael Gardner  ollin            Band 10,  11;  horu  10,  11,  12;  11-
             Tigerette  1 0;  FHA  12;  DCT  12;     FF A  10,  11,  12;  Power  Lifting     tate Choru  11;  pani  h  Club  11;
               enior Cla  Play                       Team  12                               CB  12

                  T  charna Yvette  Caldwell                 Chandra  .  omb                         Dougla     .  David
             Ba  ketball  11,  12;  Flag  Corp  1 0,   Choru  10,  11,  12;  En  emble  12;   Football  10,  11,  12;  Wre  tling  11,
              11, 12; FHA Trea  urer 12; Track 12    FHA Parliamentarian  12                12;  VI    12;  pani  h  lub  11.  12

                 Margaret Donita Callaway                  Dee  hah  Deni  e  oop  r                  icki  Lynn  Davie

                    Craig Leonard  amiel                                                            Michele Lynn  Davi
             JV Football 1 0; Ba eball 1 0; Var ity  Tigerette  10;  HO  A  12;     HA-     Tigerette  10,  11,   o-captain  11,
             Football  11,  12;  Be  t  Offen  ive   /Hero  12                               pani  h  lub 11,  12; D  T  12; D  T
             Linebacker  12; Player of the Week                                              weetheart  12;  Key  Club  10
             11,  12;  Wre tling  12;  JROTC  10,           Edward  Lyle  ooper
             11,  12;  VICA  10;  Track  12;  Who'                                                  Ru  ell  van  Davi
             Who  12                                       Vicki  Lynette  ou  ino           FA  12
                                                      tudent  Council  1 0;  Interact  1 0;
                     Diane C.  Campbell             French  Club  1 0;  pani  h  Club  10,            cott  lien  Davi
             French Club 10, 11; Interact 10,  11,   11;  D  T  Hi  torian  12              Wre tling  10,  11,  12,  Captain  12,
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