Page 64 - chs-1987
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hri  topher   ott Li  ton       FBL     12;  Interact  11,  12,  Home-  Yearbook    taff  12;  Dual   moll-
             vi     12                              coming Activitie  10,  11,  12,  emor  ment/  o- nrollment  Lake         ity
                                                    Cia  Play                                ommumty College  12
                      Jennifer  ue  Lord
                                                             Jerry  Ian  Martin
                                                                                                  Melod  e  Lynn  Me  ue
                     France     nne  Love
                                                                                           CH  0      10;  French   lub  10,  II
                                                             Ro  emar  Martin               12;  Interact  12,  horu  12;  Home-
                      imb  rly  nn  Lowen
                                                                                           commg  ct1v1tie  10,  11,  12;  Jour-
             VIC    12                                      Meli  a  nn  May               nali  m  12
                                                    Mi  CH  1 0;  Cia  Vice-pre  ident
                     Robert Lee  owrey              10;  Youth  Council  11;     tudent
                                                                                                   arl Jo eph McDonald
                                                    Council  ergeant-at- rm  11,  ec-      Homecoming  ctivitie  10,  11,  12,
                      nna There  a  Lynch           retary  12;  Interact  10,  11,  12;  Key
                                                                                           JROT      Drill  Team  12,  CHAO
             CBE  12                                Club 12;  H  0  10,  12; Beta  lub
                                                                                            12;   rt  lub  12;  Prom  ommittee
                                                     ecretary 12; Choru  10, 11, 12;  n-    1 1
                   Tara Leigh     archant            emble  11,  12;  French Club  10,  11,
              oft ball  10,  11,  12;  Volleyball  11,   12;  Bat  Girl  12;  Prom  ommittee     John  orre  t  McDonald
             12;  Tiger  Ma cot  12;  FBL     1 0;   11;  Homecoming  ctivitie  10,  11,   Wre  tling  10,  11,  12;  Weight  Lift-
             Youth Council 11;  tudent  ouncil      12;   tudent  Government  Day  10,     ing  12;  Track  12;  VI   12;  Who'
             11;  French  Club  11,  ergeant-at-    11,  12;  JV Cheerleader  o-captain     Who  12
             Arm  12;  Key Club  12;  Choru  10,    1  0; Var  ity  heerleader  o-captain
             11,  12; Columbia  inger  12; Year-    11,  12;  Dual    nrollment    o- n-         Renee  lizab  th    erhout
             book     taff  12;  Dual  Enroll-      rollment Program  Lake  ity  Com-
                                                                                            Beta Club 12;  ational Honor  oci-
             ment/ Co- Enrollment  Program  munity College 12;  Who'  Who  12;
                                                                                           et}  12
             Lake City Community  ollege  12;        enior  la  Pla
             Homecoming Activitie  10,  11,  12;
                                                                                                     taci  Robin  McGee
             Prom Committee  11                               Patt    nn  Ma  o
                                                                                            Interact 10,  11, Community Actlvi-
                                                      pani  h Club 10,  11;  FBL  10,  12;   tle   ha1rper  on  12;   rench   lub
                  Jeannette  mber Martin            HO        weetheart  12;   B  12        10,  11;   H  0   10;  Key  Club  12,
             Beta Club  12;  French Club  10,  11,
                                                                                            Homecoming Activitie  10,  11,  12
             Secretary  12;  Key  Club  11,  enior            ngela  Ka  Me  all
             Tru  tee  12;  Interact  11,  12;  Art  Homecoming  ctivitie  10,  11,  12;
                                                                                                  Julia  Loui  a  Me  hghy
             Club 12; CHAO  10, Hi  torian  12;     CBE12
             Florida Junior Academy of  cience
                                                                                                   Pamela Rae  McGrew
             1  0;  Homecoming Activitie  10,  11,         cott Randall  Me  arth            heerleader  12;  Interact  10,  11;
             12;  Marching  Band  10,  11;  ym-     Football  10,  11,  12;  VI    Vice-
                                                                                             pani  h Club 11;  Homecoming Ac-
             phonic  Band  10,  11,  12;  Di  trict  pre  ident  11;  CH  Ad vi  ory  Com-
                                                                                            tivitie  12;  tudent  Council  Alter-
             Solo  and  En  emble  Excellent  10,   mittee  12                              nate  12;  Prom     ommittee  11;
               uperior 11;  tate  olo and En  em-
                                                                                            Who'  Who  12
             ble Excellent 11; Choru  12; En  em-         hawn  Michelle Me  auley
             ble  12;  enior Cla  Play              CHAO       1 0;   oft ball  10,  11,  12;     George  Henry McGlone
                                                    Volleyball11,  12; Junior Cia     di-
                   Jennifer  Alii  on  Martin       tor  Yearbook  12;  VICA  Reporter            Andre  D'Mitri McGuire
             Beta Club 12; CHAO  10, 12; Flor-       12;  Homecoming Activitie  10,  11,
             ida Junior Academy of  cience  10;      12; Tiger Ma cot  11;  pani  h Club            Joanna J.  M  Guire
             French  Club  10,  11,  12;  French     11,  Pre ident  12;  Youth  Council
             Competiton  11;  Key  Club  11,  12;   Trea  urer 12;  Who'  Who 12; Cho-              Laurie  nn  Midure
             Student Council Repre entative 1 0;    ru  10, 11, 12; Columbia  inger  11,    Tran  fer  from  Wa  hington  High
             Yearbook  taff  11;       ew  paper  12                                         chool,  Ma  illon,  Ohio
             Staff 11;  Dual  Enrollment/Co-En-
                                                                                                   Phillip Wayne Miller
             rollment Program  Lake City Com-                carlet Lee Me  ain
             munity  College  12;  Excellent  Di  -
                                                                                                   Ronald  Lee    innich
             trict  olojEn emble  Competition              Meli  a  Lorie Me  ray
                                                                                            Ba  eball  10,  11,  12;   ootball  12;
              10,  11;  Florida  State  U niver  ity  CHAO  10,  12;  Mu  Alpha  Theta
                                                                                             pani  h  Club  10,  11
             School  of  M u  ic   ummer  Band  12;  Beta Club 12;  pani  h Club 11,
              Camp 10,  11; Concert Band 10,  11;    12;  Art Club  12;  Key  lub  11,  12;       Michael  ndrew  Mi  on
              Marching Band 10, 11; Art Club 12;     Homecoming Activitie  10,  11,  12;    Football 10, 11, Honorable Mention
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