Page 62 - chs-1987
P. 62

rin  Marie Gen  on                   Michelle  Renee  Hall                 Tami  ath  rine  Hillard
            D  T  12                                  hool  Volunteer  12                  Interact  12

                      Richard Gillam                           Randall  Hall                         Vera  nn  Hill

                 Rachel Danielle Gize  ky                  Tammy Loui  e Hall                      Denni  Paul Hodge
              rt  Club  12;  FBL   12               FH     1 0;  Homecoming  Activitie     Football10, 11;  D    A  12,  pani  h
                                                    10,  11,  12; F  A 12;  hild Guidance    lub11;VI       11,  irtPlaceDi-
                    Rob  rt Jame  Glenn             Volunteer  11,  12                     trict  ood  Marketing  omp  tition
            CH  0      10;  VIC    11;  FF    12;                                          12
            Computer Club  10                              Wendy Maryella  Hall
                                                    French  lub  11,  12;  Interact  11       Kelli  Michell  Holling  worth
                      my Renee Godwin                                                      Interact  10,  ergeant-at-Arm  11,
                                                             bane Lee Hal  tead            12;  rench  lub  11,  12, Homecom-
                 Jennifer  uzann     oforth         Weight Team  12                        ing  weetheart  12;  H  0     11,  12;
              rt Club 11, 12; Journali  m 12; Key                                           tudent Council  11,  12;  Homecom-
            Club  12;    pani  h    lub  10,  11;         William John  Hancock            ing    ctivitie  10,  11,  12;  Youth
            Homecoming  ctivitie  10,  11,  12                                               ouncil 11; Yearbook and  ew  pa-
                                                            Pamela  Jane Hanna             per  taff  11;  Who'  Who  12
                    Mary  nn  Graaman
            Interact  11                                    teven We  ley  Hardee                   ichael  urti  Ho  ier
                                                      rt Club  12;  French  lub  12;  Key  VI     10,  11;     F  12;  tudent of
                    Jimmy  dwin  Grave              Club  12                               the Day  12
            VICA  12
                                                          Jeffrey  harle  Harden                   atherin  R  n  e Houk
                    Jennifer  Lynn  Gra             French  lub  11,  12;    rt  lub  12;   Homecoming  ctivitie  10,  11,  12;
            Early  dmi  ion  Lake City Com-         Choru  11,  12                         Key  Club  12
            munity College

                                                          Th  odore John Harding                    Lori  L  nn  Howell
                       tephen  M. Green             Ba  ketball  Ho  pitality  oordinator    la   ecretary 10,  11; Interact 10,
                                                    12;  oach'       i tant Track  12      International  hairper on  11,  ec-
            Art Club 11; Choru  10,  11,  12; En-                                          retary  12;  tudent  ouncil  10,  11 ·
             emble  10,  11,  12;  DCT  12                 enecil  Ternette Harrell        Youth Council11, 12; Homecoming
                                                    Homeroom  Repre  entative  10,  Al-    Activitie  10,  11,  12;  Homecoming
                   Jennifer  arol Greene            ternate  11;  Interact  12;  Key   lub   ourt  10,  11,  12;  Art Club  ecre-
             Interact  10,  Community Chairper-     12;  Youth  Council  12;  chool  Vol-  tary  12;   rench   lub  10,  11,  12;
             on  11,  enior  Repre entative  12;    unteer  Child  Guidance  and     are  Yearbook  taff 12;  HAO  10, 12;
               ational Honor  ociety  10,  11,  12;   ervice Program  12                   Who'  Who  12
             Beta Club  11,  12;  CHAO  10,  12;
             French Club  10,  11,  12; Girl   tate         tephen  Duane Harrell               Kenny  dward  Huddle  ton
             11;  Homeroom  Repre entative  11,     Ba  eball  10,  11,  12;    10,  11      pani  h  Club  11;  Key  Club  12
             12;  Homecoming Activitie  10,  11,
             12; Mu Alpha Theta 11,  12; French             Jame  Daniel  Harri                    Linette  lice Hurley
             Competition  10,  11; Youth Council                                           VICA  12
             11; Year book Staff 12; Prom Com-                lphon  o Harri  on
             mittee  11;  enior Cla  Play  tage                                                     Tonia     .  Ingram
             Crew                                           Rufu  Hiram Harry
                                                    Band  10,  11                                 Dana  herone Jack  on
                      heila  Tere  a  Griffin                                              VI  A 11, 12; Chairman Homecom-
                                                            David  Hawkin  , Jr.           ing  Court  12;  Mat Girl  12;  Home-
                    Ricky Gomez  Guyden                                                    coming Activitie  10, 11, 12;  chool
                                                           Marvin  Ray Hawkin              Volunteer Child Guidance and  are
                    John Richard  Hafner                                                     ervice  Program  12
                                                         Traviann  Felicia Hawkin
                   Timothy Wayne Halk               HOSA  12                                       Jodi Elaine Jack on
             Football  11,  12;  Spani  h  Club  12;                                         oft ball Team 11, 12; Volleyball 11,
             Golf 12                                          William Lee Hill              12;  Homecoming  ctivitie  10,  1 1,
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