Page 63 - chs-1987
P. 63

12                                             Ali  on  Granger King                    Arthur Le  Lane
                                              rench  lub  10;  Key Club 11; Stu-
             Juan  Delinto Jeffer           dent  ouncil 11; Youth Council  11 ·  ,          Daniel  M.  Lane
                                             D  T-C  CF  Trea  urer  12;  Home-
         Rhonda  Darneath Jenning           coming  ttendant 12; Homecoming                Kath  rine Jean  Lan
                                            Activitie  10,  11,  12                French Club 10,  11,  12; Homecom-
             lvin   waine  Jernigan                                                ing  Activitie  10,  11,  12;  Interact
                                                      Lynda  Gail  King             10; CHAO  10, 12; Mu Alpha The-
            Julie  nn  tta John  on          HO  A  11;  D  T  12                  ta  II, 12;  Homeroom  Repre enta-
       pani  h  Club  10;  FBLA  10,  11;                                          tive  11,  12;  Majorette  11,  Co-cap-
       B   Trea  urer  12;  Homecoming               'atalie  arol  Kirb           tain  12;  Choru  12;  Year book  taff
     Acttvitie  10,  11,  12                 Homeroom  Repre entative  10;  Mu      12; Beta Club 12; Youth Council II
                                            Alpha Theta 12;  B  Pre  ident 12·  ,              Robert Lang
            tephen  harle  John  on           olumbta  High  chool  Advi  ory
        A 10, 11, 12, VI  A 12;      F 12     ouncil  12                                       ydia  A.  Lanza

            Tamm  Lynn  John  on                                                          herri  Hadley Larramore
       pani  h   lub  11;  Mt   H  Pag-                                            Choru  10,  11,  12;  Homecoming
                                                       ere  a  nn  Kirby
     eant 11; Homecoming  ctivitie  11,
                                              horu  10, 11,  12;  n  emble 11,  12;   Activitie  1 0;  CBE  12
     12,  horu  12,  B  Banquet  nter-       Majorette  10,  Co-captain  11;  Cap-
     tamment  12                                                                             Amy  Patrice Lee
                                            tain  12;  Mo t  Out tanding  Major-
                                            ette  10,  12;   rench  Club  11,  12;   oft ball  10,  11,  12;  Volleyball  11,
               Phillip  . Jolliffe            HAO  12;  Homecoming  Activt-         12; HO  A Hi  torian 12; VICA Par-
       pam  h  lub  11,  12; VI  A  12; Art  tie  10,  11,  12; Mu Alpha Theta 11,   liamentarian  12;  Homecoming Ac-
       lub 12;  tudent  ouncil Repre en-     12;  Ke)  Club  12                     tivitie  11,  12
     tattve  12
                                                  Darryl Dwane  Kirkman                     Brenda Renee Lee
              David  ldon  Jon                                                      FHA  HERO  11;  Beta  Club  11;
                                                 Michael Wa  ne  Knighton           VICA  12
             Debra  Loui  e Jone             Golf Team  10;    BLA  10,  11,  12;
                                             Key  Club  12;  pam  h  Club  12               Chri  topher M.  Lee
            Michael  ndrew Jone
                                                   Ru  ty  Lemar Knowle                     John Leonard Lee
                  alerie Jon
                                                     Patt     arie Koon                    Mary Elizabeth Lee
            Ronald  Lee Jorgen  en            rench  lub  10,  11, Art  lub Offi-   Homecoming Activitie  10,  11,  12;
                                             cer-at-Large  11;  VICA  12;  DECA     Homeroom  Repre  entative  12;
           teven  Thoma  Kazmier  ki         12                                     Prom Committee 11; DECA 12· Art
       wimming  12;  Diving  12;  French                                            Club  12
      Club  10,  11;  Who'  Who  12                  awrence  rik Krahn
                                                                                           Maria Lucille LeGree
             Barbara Lynn  Kemp                     Richard  teven  Lak
       tudent  Council  Parliamentarian                                                    Ronald Troy LeGree
      10,  Vice-pre  ident  11,  Officer-at-         Dawn  Marie Lamb               Football  11,  12;  All Conference 12;
      Large  12;  Youth Council  11, Pre  i-  Journali  m  12                       Rookie of the Year, Mo t Improved
      dent  12;  CH  0   I 0;  rench  lub                                           All-Conference Honorable Mention
      10,  11,  12; Art  lub 11,  12; Mu Al-          enneth  Dale Land             11;  All  Conference,  Out  tanding
                                                                                    Defen  ive  Lineman,  Captain  12;
      pha Theta 10,  11;  French Com peti-
      tion  10,  11;  Beta Club  12;  Interact         ara Jayne Land                pani  h Club 11; Choru  10, 11,  12;
      11,  12;   tudent  Government  Day  CHAO  10;  Mu          lpha  Theta  11;   En  emble 12; Ba  ketball  12;  Who'
      10,  11,  12;  Who'  Who  12           Interact  12;  Beta  Club  12;  Home-  Who  12
                                             coming  ctivitie  I  0, 11, 12; Choru
           Ra  mond  dward  endall           11;  Homeroom  Repre entative  10,             Holl  Ranae Lewi
       pani  h  Club  10,  11,  12           Alternate 11; Florida Junior Acade-
                                             my of  ctence 1 0; Homecoming  kit            Tracie La'  han  Lewi
          Meli  a  Robin Kennington          11;  Early  Admi  ion  Lake  City      Choru  11,  12;    pani  h  Club  12;
        rt  lub  11,  12                       ommunity  ollege                     FHA/HERO  12
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