Page 65 - chs-1987
P. 65

All- onference 12, Ba  eball 10,  11,   Arm  12;     pani  h   lub  10,  11;        David  Alb  rt 0  terhoudt
     12:  panish  lub 12; Who'  Who 12      French  lub 11, Voice of Democra-
                                            cy  onte  t  12;  Beta  Club  12,   a-        harte  Howard  Ouimette
           tatthew William  Moman           tiona}  Honor  ociet)'  10,  I 1;  Bo)   Var  tty  Ba  ketball  11;  M u   lpha
     D       Vice-pre  ident  12              tate   ominee  12,    chool  Pride   Theta  11,  12;  Key    lub  11,  12;
                                            Award  Mathematic  12;  Regional       CHAO  12;  FBLA  12;  Homecom-
                aria R.  Moore              Pride Award Mathematic  12,  en-       ing  Activihe  11,  12;  Science  Fair
      oft ball  10,  11,  D  CA  12;  Perfect   lOr  Ia   Play                      12
     Attendance  1 0,  11;  VI  A  12
                                                    hawn  Michael  el  on                William  lyde  Pace III
          Juliu  Patrick Moreland           VI  A  12;  Mu  Alpha Theta  12
                                                                                           tanley Wayne Palmer
            David  Wayne Morri                      tephanie Geni  • ettle         Band  1 0;  Choru  12; Tenni  10,  12;
     VI     12;  Band  10,  11;  D   A  12    tudent  ouncil  l 0,  11,  12; Interact   D  CA  Parhamentarian  12
                                            10; JV  heerleader 10; French Club
             David  Bate  Mor e             10,  11,  Mu Alpha Theta 10,  11,  12;                'ita Pan
     Ba  ketball  10,  11,  12;  Highe  t   Homecoming Activities  10,  11,  12;
     Freeth row  percentage  1  0;  pant  h   Beta  lu b 10, 11, 12,  ational Hon-        Terry Dwa  ne  Parnell
       lub 10, 11;  H  0  12; Mu Alpha      or  oc1ety 10, 11, Pre ident 12; M1
     Theta 12; Ke)  lub 12;  enior  Ia      CH      onte  tant 11; Prom Commit-            hannon  Marie Parri  h
     Play                                   tee  11;  Girl   tate    ommee  11;    HO  A  12;  Homecoming Activihe
                                            Youth  Council  11,  12;  Executive     12
              hri  tin   u  Mo  by          Board  11,  12;  Art  Club  II, Vtce-
       horu  10,  11,  12;  Vocal  n  emble   pre  ident  12;  Choru  12;  n  emble        Kath  Ga  le  Pearce
     12:  lorida  ll- tate Concert  ho-      12; Year book  taff 12; Cia   ecre-   Future Bu  me  Leader  of Amer-
     ru  11,  12;   uperior  Di  trict  and   tary  12;  Who'  Who  12             ica  11,  ergeant-at-Arm  12;  CBE
       tate  Vocal  olo;  Marchmg  Band                                             12
     10,  11,  12;  oncert Band 10, 11,  12;        Wayne  cott  ettle
       upenor Di  tnct In  trumental  olo   F     10,  11,  12,  D  T  12                 tanle  D'Juan Peter on
     11;  Excellent  tate  In  trumental
       olo  11;  Band  Officer  11:  Band               linton  ewton                    Bobby Dewayne Phillip
     Captain 12; Key  lub 11,  12;  pan-
     i hClub 10, 11, 12;CH  0  10;Mu                David  lien  "ipper                     le  i  Greer  Pittman
     Alpha Theta  1 0;  Homecoming Ac-                                             CHAO  Cla        Repre  entative  10,
     tivitie  11,  12;  Yearbook  taff 12           Jan  uzanne  ·orri             Pre ident  12;  Cia   Trea  urer  1 0;
                                              HAO  10;  pant  h  Club  10,  11;    French  Club  1 0;  Ke)  Club  weet-
           Randal  David  Murdock           Key Club  11,  12;  FHA  H  RO  11,    heart 1 0; Interact 10, 12; Swimming
     Beta  Club  11,  12;  Key  Club  11,    12;  BL  12;  uture Educator  of  Team  Captain  12,  Beta  Club  12;
     Committee Chairman  12;       ational  America  Vice-pre  ident  12;  Art       tudent Council 1 0; Voice of Demo-
     Honor  ociety 10, Trea  urer 11,  12;    lub 12; Homecoming Activitte  12     crary  2nd  Place  12;  Good  Citizen-
     Mu  lpha Theta  10,  11,  12;  Bo)  '                                          hip  10;  Who'  Who  12
       tate  ominee 11,  H  0  10, Of-              John  Ru  ell  orth
     ftcer-at-Large  12;  PRID  D1  tnct                                                       pril T.  Pringle
     Winner Wnting  12;  Harvard  urn-             Jame  Henry  orton
     mer     chool  11;    econd  Place  Wre  tling  10,  11,  12;  DCT  11,  12;       Pegg  Maurica Proveau
       merican Legion  mericani  m E  -     VIC     12;  FFA  10                   Beta Club  11,  12;  French Club  10,
      ay  onte  t 12;  enior Cia  Play 12                                          11;  CHAO  10;  Mu  Alpha  Theta
                                                    Jeffery L  e  Ogburn           1 0;  Journali  m  12;  Homecoming
             Gina  Michelle  a  h
                                                     nnette  vada  Ogden           Activitie  10,  11,  12;  Girl   tate 11
     CB  11, 12; Interact 11; Homecom-
                                              ational Honor  ociety 10, 11,  ec-
      mg  ctivitie  10,  11,  12
                                            retary 12; Interact 10, Trea  urer 11,           ere  a  ynn  Ratliff
               Kell     nn   eal            Pre ident  12;  Beta  Club  11,  12;   Choru  10,  11,  12;  FHA/Hero  12
                                              H  0     10;  French  Club  10,  11;
            Jonathan Jo eph  'eff            Mu  lpha Theta 11,  12; Tenni  11,           Timothy  Ryan  Ratliff
      Ba  ketball  10,  12;  M u  lpha Theta   wim and Diving Team 11,  12;  tu-
      11,  12; Key  lub 10,  11, Vice-pre  i-  dent  Council  10,  11,  12;  Youth       Richard  ugu  to Ravelo
      dent  12;   H  0   10,  ergeant-at-     ouncil  11,  12;  enior Cia  Play     enior Cia  Pia
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