Page 123 - chs-1990
P. 123

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                              Dr.  Wanda  Gause   ne\ll   e!'. e~~o.C  \j' ce·~teSI
                             is  the  sponsor  of   \te& 5111 lJ.c~ei\\.   Columbia High  Beta  Club  is  a  prestigious club  to
                            Beta  Club .  She  has   oonna           belong to. The members of this club have struggled
                           been  instrumental  in  initi·            to make the necessary grade point average needed.
                          ating  the  annual  Christmas               Beta Club is involved in many activities throughout
                        party.  Mrs.  Ann  Foster  helps
                       Dr.  Gause  with  the  "Miss  CHS"            the year.  The  Christmas  party is  held  in  December
                                                                     and  is for needy children  in  our area.  Beta Club and
                                                                     other clubs are responsible for providing gifts which
                                                                     are presented by Santa Claus. Entertainment is also
                                                                     provided. The  children  played  musical  chairs, then
                                                                     watched a performance done by several members of
                                                                     Mrs.  Wright's  dance  class.  This  activity  benefited
                                                                     both  Beta  Club  members  and  the  children  them-
                                                                     selves. The  children  benefit by getting a  Christmas
                                                                     that they  otherwise  would  never receive.  The  Beta
                                                                     Club  members  benefit  by  being  able  to  feel  good
                                                                     about themselves after seeing the delight they have
                                                                     brought  to  these  children.
                                                                       Another Beta  Club  activity  is  the  Miss  CHS  pag-
                                                                     eant  held  in  May.  Beta  Club  hosts  this  contest  by
                                                                     choosing one girl out of several as the girl that would
                                                                     best represent Columbia High School. This activity is
                                                                     probably the biggest fundraiser held by the club and
                                                                     the funds  raised  go towards  holding  the Christmas
                                                                     party and  purchasing the gold stoles worn  by  some
                                                                     graduating  seniors in  June. These stoles show that
                                                                     the  student  maintained  the  above-average  grades
     Deric  Newton  and  Kalina  Byrd  assume the  role  of  parents  at  the  annual  Christmas  party.   needed  to  belong  to  the  Columbia  High  Beta  Club.
                                                                                          -  Merry Jennifer-George

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