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                                                                             For Thespians, last mmute  adJUStments  are a mustll  Attama  Jean
       Yes Bubbles, you do have ten fingers. Nikki Brown                     makes  sure  that  Rodney's   uh, well,  straight.
       gets  into  character as  the  airhead  " Bubbles."
                                                                                 The  1990 Senior  Class  Play,  " Here  Come  The  Bndes"  was  a
                                                                                smash success, due to the hard work and team  effort put forth by
                                                                                the cast and  crew. Begmmng  m January and workmg  alter school
                                                                                almost every afternoon, the play came together slowly, improving
                                                                                by leaps and bounds toward the end when practices were moved to
                                          "Please Mike,  not in  front  of the camera. Besides,   the  Performmg  Arts  Center  There  were  limes  when  we  could've
                                          you  know I don't  like the taste  of  that  lipstick."   murdered each other, there were t1mes when we all stood together
                                                                                as one, but no matter what, 1n the end, not one of us walked off that
                                                                                stage  unchanged.
                                                                                 The  plot  centered  around  Jimmy  Took  and  h1s  best  friend  B1ll
                                                                                Thompson, who lived a ltfe of le1sure in Jimmy's house, neither one
                                                                                employed  Bill's  relative, Aunt  Ellen, who ltves w1th  the  boys  and
                                                                                takes care of them, wonders how they are able to live so well when
                                                                                neither one of them has a job. Her question IS answered in the form
                                                                                of a telegram from Jimmy's Uncle Dan, who happens to be very nch
                                                                                He informs Jimmy that he will be m town that af1ernoon to meet h1s
                                                                                nephew's new bridell The only problem IS that J1mmy's not marrtedl
                                                                                So  Jimmy and  Bill  try to con  Madge Burns, J1mmy's gtrllnend mto
                                                                                pretending to be his bride. But she refuses. So they try to bribe Mr.
       A scene from  " Night of the Living Dead"? No,  just                     Oswald,  a  bill  collector,  into  dressing  ltke  a  woman  and  playing
                                                                                Jimmy's bnde. He refuses too. In desperation, J1mmy forces Bill to
       the  weary cast  striking  the  set.
                                                                                play the  part  of his  bnde
                                                                                 Meanwh1le, an msane woman, Lady MacBeth, has escaped from
                                                                                the local asylum, " Green Gables", and a strange doctor, McDaniel,
                                                                                IS  searching the prem1ses for her. Then, Ms. Smyth and her sister
                                                                                -  Bubbles, two gold-diggers who follow Uncle Dan  around, arrtve
                                                                                at the house, are scared away by Lady MacBeth. Uncle Dan arrives
                                                                                and tries to coax a kiss out of Wilhemina, (Bill dressed as a woman)
                                                                                in trade for the check that the boys so desperately need. While the
                                                                                boys are off showing Uncle Dan the rest of the house, Mr. Oswald,
                                                                                dressed  as a woman, enters and  talks to Peggy Westfield, Uncle
                                                                                Dan's ward, who'd just arrtved. The two Wilhem1na's manage to JUSt
                                                                                avoid each other all  day, until  at one  point  Mr  Oswald-W1Ihemma
                                                                                steps into the living room, and, being near-sighted, mistakes Uncle
                                                                                Dan  for Jimmy and  starts hugging  on  him  instead.
                                                                                 The rest of the play involves Jimmy and Bill trymg to successfully
                                                                                hoodwink Uncle Dan  mto believing that Wilhemma  has left J1mmy
                                                                                The  play  ends  happily, w1th  hints that  Madge & Jimmy  m1ght  get
                                                                                married, the same going for Bill and Peggy, and Uncle Dan & Aunt
                                                                                Ellen. " Here  Come  The  Bndes", indeed II
       The coat  Todd Baker (Mr  Oswald, Wilhemina) Beth Hemphill (Lady McBeth), Jesse Chillum (McDaniel), Renee Palteraon (Peggy Weatheld), Mike
       Harlow (Jimmy Took), Rodney Phillips (Bill Thompson, Wilhem~na),  Altanla Jean (Costumes), Amber Roberson (Ms. Smyth), Mr  Wilson (D~rector),
       Chris Poplin  (Uncle Dan), Gigl Gnlfln (Aunt  Ellen), Angela Lumbert (Madge Burna), Nikki Brown (Bubbles Duvalle), Mrs. Phillips  (Director), Scolt
       Ladner (Siege Manager)
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