Page 246 - chs-1990
P. 246
Pottanon. Kay -y. Jano Moyor, Mike Case. Natale Mllor. Shomon Norton. Ktiltn Colquitt. Arrro( Dolbe!ly. Kim Deldo. Tanya
VcnVIed<. Down NEilan. Sonya VanVIodc, Elm Hill • .Jonlfor Coso, 10m Sleword. SUsan Tuttle. Dorno OuHow. Vlclcl K~t)ll. Glen
Bloncnad. Pom Rogtstor. Peggy Mohonoy. Lort McO.Jotg. Bolndo Knight , Alison Taylor. Tama Popo, Jom Koon. Mooy Gorogo.
Vldalo POOor, Jeue CHttum. Mo!lhal MO<pG<. Eve<ett Gil, Torrmy K~t)ll. Anthony Gerhold. Sllrmo< Jones. MIL Carlor, Allsal
Wood, Rodney PHIIps, lelgh Swt-. Ktiltn Soli. Tracy TIYa-. lilo Md..oon. Not plctued· Reovos Colo. Caoy Dolgle, !!Iandy
Jolnson. Chad Caner. Angel l UT'Ibort, ~a Hatow. Nny llyn.m.
CHS Journalism contlrues to chalge and grow. The
book In yolJ hands reflects countless holJs spent by
the staff to bring a book to faculty, students . and
friends that shows the spirit of Columbia High.
Expaldng from one doss to folJ, JolJnollsm students
brought varied backgrounds and even more varied
tastes to a leaky Room 10. Renee Polte110nserved as
the Edlor of the Yeabookond Amy Douberly was the
leader of the TIGER newspaper. Everyone on the staff
mode a contribution to the publications. The jobs
ranged from sellng ads. doing layouts. taking and
developing pictures,(Go, Jesse), writing copy, to
speedy trips to the Post Office (....;th a fewstops to pick
t..p toter logs I)
After much dscuaion . the staff opted to do the ft(st
red 'year' book. A sincere effort was mode to cover
on entire year's worth of activities. The book Increased
50 pages and, insplte of having to wail 1M SliT1mer. the
stc:tt tell~ was ......ooh ~.
The TIGER newspaper reflected the efforts of two
man workers Amy [)()U)e~y and l<lm Dekle. These
two special ladles were responsible for the Issues that
attempted to give coverage to activities and
happenings at CHS. The staff Is grateful to the
GAINESVILLE SUN for helping us get a 'new' look.
We ore espedally thalkful to the students and
people of the commUI'llty tor buying the book and
supporting us With ads. We were able to buy a 1 " Wrll somebody please tall me where the pause button 10?" To
Mochtolh computer ....ntch con do 'everything' . ,...., Pope, copy ed1tor, wants a break from peenng at the computer tcr
Herring helped us get the loser printer and we " Okay people, don't tolk to me unless ll's good news " Edrtor·in·cl'
appreciate his Ieith In us Renee Patterson, looks a bit harassed There must be a del
As for the JolJnollsm Ooss. .. welt we all hove a lot of coming up
Bratt, Chad, and Ethan
memorles ... some good and some .. weN... .. we think It what would we have dona Without 'f
was worth II all .. and we hope you do tool
• The dedicated ioyout edrtor, Jennrler Amo, designs a page ot
Yearbook workshop that she and Renee attended at Rollins College
W1nter Park last summer