Page 65 - chs-1990
P. 65

When CHS opened 1ts doors tS years ago, most of us were 2 and 3
                                                                            years old. and JUSt starting to not1ce what was happentng  R1d1ng by as
                                                                            hUie  kids, we  thought  about  the day  when  we  would  go  to  the  "b1g
                                                                            school"  That day arnved QUICkly as the years sped by faster than we
                                                                            or our parents could believe.
                                                                             A lot happened when we were young • the country was  1n an up-
                                                                            heavaL Double dtg1t InflatiOn. the restgnat1on 1n '74 of the President. the
                                                                            hostages 1n Iran · our parents wanted the best for us and loo  ed toward
                                                                            the future w1th  hope
                                                                             Our educat1on began at home (somet1mes 1n day care) and moved
                                                                            on to the elementary schools m Columb1a County. Some of us were 1n
                                                                            other places. even other countnes. but we all ended up here  All our
                                                                            different Ideas. our vaned backgrounds. our contrastmg VISions have
                                                                            blended  beautifully  - we  have  worked  together  played  together
                                                                            learned together  We have all taken as well as g1ven. Many memones
                                                                            followed our footsteps across the football held to p1ck up our d1plomas
                                                                             We have been through a hnle less than one-thtrd of our hves. yet  th1s
                                                                            is considered a turn1ng po1nt. As teenagers. we are expected to behave
                                                                            as adults. but often feel that we are treated bke children. As most of us
                                                                            become  adults. we  should  take  some  t1me  to  remember  the  years
                                                                            when we were ch1ldren and young reenagers
                                                                              At  the  Kindergarten  Center.  play1ng  1n  the  red  cabboose  was
                                                                            someth1ng that most of us looked forward to every day at recess  Mr.
                                                                            Wans was the pnnc1pal that everyone loved to v1SJI  Art class 1n the boat
                                                                            and plays performed by each of the classes were ac11Vlhes that we now
                                                                            look back upon as fond memones of our ch1ldhood  After we graduated
                                                                            from kindergarten, we probably felt as though we had grown out of the
                                                                            ch•ld1sh stage. now we were k1ds  Then we moved on to our separate
                                                                            elementary schools  These were some of the largest groups of people
                                                                            that we had ever been around  Each of us thought that e1ther Sum-
                                                                            mers. Eastside. FortWhlte. Epiphany  Melrose. Frve Po1nts. or Forrest
                                                                            Htils was number one
                                                                             We met aga1n 1n the seventh grade at the Lake C1ty JunJOr Htgh West
                                                                            Campus  We thought we were "11"  probably because we were the only
                                                                            ones  around  We know bener now  Seventh grade was the begtn1ng
                                                                            of wheel classes and becoming teacher aids  We left seventh grade to
                                                                            become bottom-of-the-barrel e1gth graders
                                                                             At the East Campus. we expenenced our ftrsl pep raliteS. Journal1sm.
                                                                            sc1ence proJects, and Mr  Dorsett  For whatever reason. good or bad
                                                                            most  of  us  at  one  11me  or  another  saw  Mr. Dorsett  Another  fond
                                                                            memory  was  1earn1ng  CPR  on  Dummy  Dan  1n  LMS  classes  The
                                                                            thought  of  perform1ng  mouth-to-mouth  resusc•tat1on  1n  front  of  the
                                                                            enttre class was probably the reason some of us were declined a life
                                                                            saver card  We finally made 11  to ·great Columbia H1gh School". or so
                                                                            we thought at the t1me
                                                                             As we wandered the halls and stood 1n awe dunng the pep rallies  we
                                                                            f1nally made 11 through tenth grade  ~there were two th1ngs we learned
                                                                            our  Sophomore  year, they  had  to  be  that  sleeptng  through  Julius
                                                                            Caesar and go1ng to football games were happen1ng th1ngs to do  We
                                                                            made a step up the status ladder when we became Jun10rs  Although
                                                                            we dtd not w1n the homecom1ng trophy, our golden crowns boosted our
                                                                            moral and made a great 1mpress1on. Magaz1nes were sold  p1ctures
                                                                            were taken and sunglasses were bought all •n order to have enough
                                                                            money for prom  W1th the help of Mrs  Htnes the prom of t989 was the
                                                                            best th1s school had ever seen.
                                                                             All our memones are not sweet  We have unfortunately Witnessed
                                                                            the  loss of dear fnends  - some  through trag1c death. some  through
                                                                            tragtc ctrcumstance  We can recall the faces.  and we w1sh we could
                                                                            have saved our fnends
                                                                            We have fought battles w1th ourselves and our soc1ety  Drugs have
                                                                            tned  to  wrap  1ts  tentacles  around  us  •  some  have  fought  and
                                                                            res•sted We know there are VICtims but many have WISed up and sa1d
                                                                            At last we were Sen1ors  As some buckled down, others went crazy.At
                                                                            the near heart failure of Mrs  Orr. we finally won homecommg  We w1ll
                                                                            never forget all of the pep ralites and the  playoff game. we were so
                                                                            close to becommg state champions 1n football. We anended our last
                                                                            prom. the  semor  p1cmc. and  Grad  Ntght  We  w1ll  never  forget  the
                                                                            memones we made 1n JUSt th1s one year  Graduat1on was an emot1onal
                                                                            occas1on  It was scary  yet also a relief As we make our paths through
                                                                            life 1n d1fferent CJ11es and states. we wtll never forget the memones that
                                                                            we have made 1n Lake C1ty and Columb1a H1gh School
              Jody Witt           Alison  Wood          Tina  Zarecki

                                                                                                    SENIORS  61
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