Page 66 - chs-1990
P. 66
I am a student, and I am a teacher.
I am a learner, and I am a leader.
I am a companion, and I am a friend.
I am weak, and I am strong.
I am young, and I am old.
I am wise, and I am foolish.
I am equal, and I am opposite.
I am plain, and I am beautiful.
I am simple, and I am complex.
Who am I?
Fellow classmates, " Who am I?" represents each of us in our
continually unfolding lives. " Who am I?" represents me, Mona
Robinson, your 1989 Homecoming Queen, with a special thank
you for making a dream come true. Having been chosen Home-
coming Queen is indeed an honor I will cherish for life. CHS and
Tiger pride reign forever.
- Mona Robinson
Senior attendant Donna Outlaw was escorted by her father, Mr. Senior attendant Leigh Swisher was escorted by Greg Kaz-
John Outlaw. mierski.