Page 68 - chs-1990
P. 68

(R1ght)Enthua1aatlc Jun1ors Sit and enJOY the Homecom·
                                                      1ng  Pep Rally.

               Sophomore Orucilla  Sapp tells Bobby Cabral a  thmg  or two about how a
               date's  supposed  to  behave  at  a  Homecom1ng  Dance

                                                                                   (Above) The flame• of the Homecom1ng bonfire reached almoat •• high as
                                                                                   the  Sen~ora '  apir~t 11  they dominated  ak1t  n1ght
                                                                                   W1th  a whirl  ot their  skirts  Alumni Cheerleaders  Janie  Hollis  and  Betsy
                                                                                   Pottle attempt to excite tho student body at the Homecoming Pep Rally

               Awww   Isn't that  sweet? Scotty Cook and  Mehaaa P1ttman  aneak In  some
               POA  between  dances

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