Page 67 - chs-1990
P. 67
(Far left) Junior attendant Tonyette
Wooldridge was escorted by LaCar-
los Brady.
(Left) Junior attendant Christy Pope
was escorted by Jeff Kazmierski.
The Homecoming Court shines
with many beautiful faces. (Left to
right) Anthony Caldwell with Ku-
mari Anderson, Jeff Kazmierski
with Christy Pope, Mr. John Out-
law with Donna Outlaw, Daryll
White with Mona Robinson, Greg
Kazmierski with Leigh Swisher,
LaCarlos Brady with Tonyette
Wooldridge, and Bobby Cabral
with Drucilla Sapp.
Sophomore attendant Drucilla Sapp
was escorted by Bobby Cabral.
Sophomore attendant Kumari Ander-
son was escorted by Anthony Cald-