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P. 215


                        HEALTH OCCUPATIOnS STUDEnTS

                                           OF AmERICA

     1990-1991 H.O.S.A. Members are Melisa Stalnaker, April Hancock, Melissa Matheney, Alex Amparo,   H.O.S.A.  Officers for 1990-1991 are Calley Dekle- President, Ma-
     Tomeca  Demps, Mia Adams, Sabrina Holiday, Shana Carter, Eryn Hybart, Josh Townsend, Jennifer   rie Blanchard -Vice President, Nina Markham -Secretary, Becky
     Free,  Tessa  Barton,  Becky Laurette,  Sam Sanders,  Nina  Markham,  Marie  Blanchard,  Calley  Dekle.   Laurette- Treasurer, Sabrina Holliday- Historian, Mia Adams-
                                                                         Parliamentarian.  Sponsor- Jane  Holliday

      Jf.OS.5t  ;J{ea{tfi  Occupations Stwfents of 5lmerica consists  of
      stutfents wfio are in or fiave  tal(g_n  fiea{tfi occupations in scfiooC.
      Jf.OS.5I.  lias 6een 6usy witfi many activities tfuring tfie year.
      Vuring  tfie  fiomecoming  paratfe,  XOS.5l.  fiat£  tfiree first  aU
      cars, a sweetfieart ana fiearttfiro6.  XOS.5l. participates in  tfie
     fa[{  conference  in  Jacf:§onvi{{e  for  tfie  e[ection  of officers.
      Mem6ers  fiave  6een  6usy  funtfraising  to  support  tfieir
      activities .In January,  XOS.5l.  lieU tfie  secant£ annua{ 13Cootf
     Vonor tfrive  witfi tfie goa{ of over  110 units  to  6e  tfonatetf 6y
      staff ana stutfents. Vuring :Je6ruary, CJfS XOS.5l.  fiostetf tfie
     Spring  Leatfersfiip  Conference  wfiicfi was  attentfetf 6y  tfiirteen   Standing  tall  with  their  heads  held  high,  these  H.O.S.A.  students  are
                                                                     representing  Columbia  High School.  SMILE  BIG!!
      regiona{ scfioo(s  ana appro{.imate{y  tfiree  fiuntfretf  stutfents.
      Competition  consists  of a  team  event  fa.-c.p.r.,  intfivitfua{
      events, nursing assisting, metfica{ assisting,  derica-0  opticinary,
     pfiysica{ tfierapy  assisting,  ana metfica{ Ca6oratory  assisting.
     'Ifiere  are  afso  e{.temporary  events,  spea/(,  writing  ana
     hea{tfi tfispCay.  J£OS.5I. stutfents vo{unteer tfuring cCass  time at
     Coca{ fiospitafs.  'ITiey  war!( witfi tfie patients assisting tfiem as
     neetfetf.  XOS.5I.  fie{ps  tfie  mem6ers  to  evaCuate  tfieir pa(s  ana
     itfeas of tfieir cfiosen career.

                                                                     H.O.S.A. students are "Hanging Out" at the Original Meeting of H.O.S.A.
                                                                     Josh Townsend expresses  his  enthusiasm.
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