Page 225 - chs-1991
P. 225

FEA                     EDUCATION, THE  KEY  TO

                                           THE  FUTURE

        The  Future  Educators  of Ameria strive to
       1nterest  young  men  and  women  1n  teaching
       u  J  cueer.
        The program imp.nts an understanding of
       the development ond purposes of public edu-
       cation  and  an  appreciation  of  the  contri bu·
       lions thot have been made by teochers, public
       schools. colleges, and  universities
        Membership  requ~res  •  2.5  Grode  Pomt
       AverJgt  and  recommendJtions  of  tuchers
       Students must contribute to  the progum by
       Jctlvely  participating
        Services  include  assisting  with  Special
       Olympics, participation  in  homecoming  pi-
       rJde, actmg as an aide for the "Teacher of the
       Month",  honoring  faculty  members  during
       American  Eduator  Week  and  Teacher  Ap-
       prtciltion Week, and observing in classroom

                                  Mrs. Merricks, the hard-working and dedicated
                                  club sponsor.
                                                                   Aren't they lovely! Club sweethearts Gynne Phillips and Shinara Clayton.

                                                      Shown from  left  to  right  are  Davenna  Merricks,  Terri  McKire,  Lakysha  Lofton,  Dawn  Lee,
                                                      Marianne McGuinness, Teresa Bryant, Sean Folkes, Tanya Gardener, Gynne Phillips, Deidra
                                                      Thomas, Shawyn Lockley, Veronica Stewart, and Shinara Clayton.

     Tashika  Moultrie and Tonyette Wooldridge,  educators of the  future.

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