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P. 192

Key Club ... Unlocking the Future

                                                      Key Club is a public service organization that gives students the opportunitx
                                               to do something for others.  The club, headed by  Mrs. Phillips, works hard to organize
                                               projects for our community. The freshman,  though away  from  the  main chapter,  also
                                               work hard  to do their part.  All  of these  individuals deserve the community's  prais
                                               for  their will  to  help others.

       Here to  help other-..   o  doubt !>ponsor  Ms.  Phillip'-
       str~~es this conditwn on her club member~.

         First row: Nicole Bradford, Wendy Singletary,  Allison Dicks,
         Ebont Scippio. S.,CX>nd  row:  Jason  Hollingsworth.  Stephanie
         Hyde, Teresa Wilson, Heather McDowell, Beth  Nele, Brandi
         Dennison. Third  row:  Steve  Maquincio,  Sharmethia  Jones,
         Lewis Wallcer,  Kate  Kinard,  Kelly  Blanton.  Fourth  row:
         Adam  Saulzbury,  Michelle  Simpkins,   airobi  Brown,
         Shadequia Robinson. Bo Dunaway.

          "Key  club  has  been  a  great
          learning  experience  and  its
          helped  me  grow  in  a  lot  or
          ways." -Kalina Werner

                                    Firat row: Regina Evans, Justin Waltrip, Katina Werner, Ginger Hill, Brenda Vinton, Mrs. Phillips.  Second  row:
                                    Linda Lee, Susan Revels, Jessica Fulton, Mike Davidson, Carol 5anders, Tiffany Knagge.
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