Page 130 - chs-1996
P. 130
Katnuin~ v.Aison
PaLJ ~son
S«\U~ta v.Aison
Simon w.lson
SUi*lan~ \1-Aison
Ama \~Asman
Klistina v.At.t. Make-up
Starr Wood$
Rol>ut YaUs
~tt.Youn~ Pif;tures
G~~t.ta Zci~hler
Josh Anderson
Apn eany
Dusm eraman
SUphan~ eurg~s
Maritll Coker
Taveras Currington
Julrifer Dors ~t.t.
JarTUS Dum
P~w Dunill
Larry f~nd
Rot>ut ford
Amanda f~g~
Ktly Holcoml:>~
Gr~ Howell
D~wa)'l~ Hunter
eo J:lrdan
Sonya ~y
Lori Littl~
Amy Manzer
An~.uny Mascia
suv~ Mershon
Shdl:>y Mimm
erandi Nipper
.Als tin ~)flOids
K~n~tn Rol:>crt.s
Amanda Rol:>crt.son
L~li~ Ro~ers
R~er Shil'l(jl~ton
Maria Simmons
Anthony Srntn
Kristi Ward
frtdrick \Mison
Mrs. euzz~a·s Spanish Class is hard at work taking nous and finishing up fr~hman atumpt to pay at~t.ion during an asstml:>ly. Ass~ml>li~ art not tnt most
assignm01t.s. Kati~ Halll:>erg, altnou~. sums t>y tn~ camua. ~xciU1g tning for a fr~h man, howtvu, it got tn~m out of class.
124 Freshman