Page 131 - chs-1996
P. 131

T ~t ...IoNs and  D411ard  MarU'l
                                                          Mrs.  Chamt>t.rtain  sptaks  with  Ms.  Jonts.   r~ax  from  tht  confusion  of  tht
                                                          Mrs.Chamt>aiain otun convtrstd with  othtrs to   walkways  and  hallways  of tht  north
                                                          h<lp improvt tht quaity of school lift.   campus.

                                                                            Amy  Manz«  signs  forms  in  tht  oftict.  f'trsonn~ ktpt
                                                                            studtnts pap« work  straight . Tht  work  was  Udious  and
                                                                            otun svtSsfU, t>ut. without. tht daiy hard  work  of tht oftict
                                                                            ptrsonn~. school would havt c«tainly gont array.

                                                                            v.lth t.hU"  umt>r~las, Amt>«  D~atos and  5«\Utt.a  v.llson
                                                                            ridt  on  tht homuoming  court.  i'loat.  Tht  rain,  howtv«,
                                                                            c«t.ainly didn't damptn their s mitS.

        Stnior,Lucas  P>oyttu t.aktS  a t>rtak  to shakt hands  with  Mr.  JontS.  Administration  Christina Hanington and  Christ.y  Ash t.alk  to fritnds whitt waiting in int for lunch.  Tht
        and st.aff wtrt always SL4>portivt of tht ytar t>ook st.aff and thti-jot>s   lunch  lint  was  a  muting  plact  for  frtSh man.  Its  ltngth  allowtd  for  long«
                                                            convtrsations than what could t>t txchangt.d i1 halts.

                                                                                                          Freshman  125
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