Page 133 - chs-1996
P. 133
At a post« party for a pq> rally,
SUlior flitnds gather tog~th«
to support thw I .gus. ~y not
0111y hav~ thtir flitndships in
common, thq also shar~ thtir
l.g« pridt. ~ Atw--school
jol>s ar~ common for many
studUlts. Apt')t W~t Yisits Mik~
Gr~~ whil~ h~ has a l>nak
from working at Lak~ City
The. life. of a CHS studUlt is not just
school, aft« 3:10 during the. wuk and a 2-day
j:)re.ak aft« friday give-s studUlts piUlty of tlme.
to do other things j:)e.side.s worlc and study.
Going out or or staying in is one. of the. j:)
que.stlons that we. face. on the. wukUlds. And
spUlding the. days shopping or just re-laxing
from the. stre-sse-s from school, is anothe-r good
thing aj:)out ouirof-school tlme.. Through all the.
pre-ssure. from home.worlc and studying, we. can
stlll make. the. most of the. tlme. we. have. away
from school.
Most studUlts Uljoy the. tlme. the-y
spUld just hanging out with the-ir friUlds,
though like. to j:)e, advUlturous j:)y taking
trips and trying ne-w things. Many pwple. like. to
stay close. to home., whUl like. to roam
fru and le-t the. wind de-cide. their fa us.
Most of all though, life. at CHS has givUl
us the. friUlds that we. most like. to hang out
and have. fun with, and a home. to call our own.
v.N~ many studU1ts sptnd their
fru tim~ hangi'lg out 'With th~r
flitnds and relaxing, Stnior
Lucas &oy~tu lov~ to l~m au
th~ t.imt.
Student Life Division 127