Page 134 - chs-1996
P. 134


                       __2lm~YlC~ Vl

                         1Jy~~ VVl ...

                        On~ of th~ lnst things about bting a
                  uenagu- is  th~ frudo m  you  hav~ wh~n
                 you'r~ driving  a car.  H~r~ at Columbia  High,
                  W~·hav~ a  gr~at vari~ty of cars  and  trucks
                 that  transport  stud~nts  to  and  from
                 school.  N~w and old,  cars and  trucks fill  th~
                 parking  lot,  ~ach with  th~ individuality  of
                 th~ir ownu-s.  Many an low«~ with  chrom~
                 rims, whil~ othu-s ar~jack~ up with big tins
                 t<>  driv~ through th~ mud. Othu-s ar~ sporty
                 and  t~mpt th~ir young  driv~rs  to  risk  a
                 tick~t by taking it up t<>  top spud. Still mon
                 ar~ k~t in  t<>p  condition t<>  b~ shown off on
                 th~ wuk~ds. Som~tim~s,just by looking at
                 th~ v~hicl~, you  know  what kind  of p«son
                 driv~s it, but oth« tim~s you  may bt. fool~.
                 But no  matt« what kind  of car you  hav~, it
                 tak~ you wh«~ you want t<>  go ... hop~fully.
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