Page 132 - chs-1996
P. 132
Although schoolwon.: may 1:>~
sU"UlUous, Lamanda Pa)flt. and
Harry Mow find ~mt. to spt.nd
togt.thu outsidt. of schooL 'Whul
it. comt.S to hanging out., it.
usually dot.Sn't. mat.t.« wh«t.
you arc.
frt.Sh mt.n hav~ fun whilt.'rt.
l:> rt.wardt.d for good
t:>t.ha'r'ior. School is a good plact.
to wht.n looking at. tht.
Studt.nt. ~ft.St.)4c..
Homc.<;oming and Hallowun
coin<;idt.d this, and Saliors
SUmm4r Rowan, Nico~ 5/'w.ffidd,
and 'Tiffany IMI~ams dc.<;idt.d to
hav~ ~ l:>t.St. of t:>oth wor1ds.
Tht.y scarc.d any und«class
spit-S away from tht. Salior lloat.