Page 172 - chs-1996
P. 172

Th~ s~ason op~~d January 29
                 for  a  group  of  ~agtr  and
                 hardworl<ing  young  ladi~s  l~d  vy
                 Coach  Machon  KiYistad .  Disciplint
                 and  dtdication  Wtrt  words  that
                 d~scrib~ th~ ua m .
                    .. 1 hav~ had  th~  pltasur~ of
                 coaching a grtat group of girls with
                 a  lot of pot~tail as  wtll  as  htart,
           1     th~ girls  hav~ ~am~ a lot and hav~
                 had fun doing so.  I ~courag~ ~ach
                 playtr  to  s~t  goals  and  striv~
                 ~xcell~c~ ... said  Coach  KYistad.
           9     clost  with  an  8-8  r~cord,  th~
                   Although  th~ s~ason ca mt to  a
                 scons  don't  r~ft~ct tht  fun  and
                 skills  that Wtrt had by all.

                          Scht.dul~            front. Row: Jtmif« Cox. Alison Evans, Audr(.y L(.f(.VU", Amanda  L(.f(.VU",  Skuw Pt.mingt.on, Ashl(.y Mi2zoni,  Lamanda
           b       2/21          Orang~ Park   PaJfl"· Unds"y Ha~ 6ack Row:  Coach  Machon K't', Aml:>u SUf>ht.nson, RUIIt.S,  Kdly \Mison,  Ljflsu Skini1U',
                                               Amy Cox. f"aa  Lang, Angi" Smitn, Jacki(. Jemings, April 6any.
                   3/1           Lincoln
                   3n            Middlwurg
                   3/13          P.K. Young
                   3/15          Orang~ Park
                   3/28          Buchholz
                   4/16          Santa  F~
                   4/19          13 t-Il

                                                             Waiting for \.h(.l:>all, Audr"y L(.f(.VU" t.akt.S a <llring ttl" 6uchholz game.

      Coach •  K •t>dic.vt.S in  1007. tamwor1c, as sh" givt.S tht.
      cat<;hu  som(.last. minuu instructions.

                                                 f"aa  Lang,  LJflSU Skim«, and Ashi"Y Mi2zori tak" tim" t.o show how happy tn"Y ar" dl.rilg a v.inring game. Spirit. is a
                                                 major contri>ution t.o  tht. J.V.  tam.

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