Page 171 - chs-1996
P. 171
As No only Saliors on th~ uam, Enn Gitj,tig, Laura M<:Cidlan, S<:ar1~tt Sm1th)' and
JuT, -a Col~ hop~ th~ ~d of~ s~son improv~.
2120 Bishop Kenny
2122 Suwannu
311 Li1cok'l
315 Baku
3fl Midd~U"9
G~tting a signal from Coa<:h Hal~ giv~ EM 3/13 1?.1<. Yon~~
GiWi~ th~ <ir"tion sh~ nuds to go f1. 3/15 Oran~~ f?ari:
3120 Lron
3/28 Buchholz
Th~ wam huddl~ around l?ana 6~st in
ordu to <:ongrawlaw hu for a <JJi<:k 1ming. 4116 Santa f~
4119 Bdl
As a st.ason opt.nt.r, tht. Lady
fig« Softball uam partlcipatt.d In
tht. Diamond Classic loumamt.nt
at lnUrlacht.n. Th~ g1rls plact.d 3rd
going 1 and 1. st.ason t.ndt.d
6 and 17. Tht. ua m had 22 gam~
sch~dult.d and 3 tournamt.nts,
including Districts. lht. girls just
rt.tumt.d from play at tht. Santa Ft.
Invitational lourna m~nt, placing
3rd. Tht.y won 3 out of 4 gamt.s.
"Evtryont. is working hard and
must continut. to do so. Wt. an a
young tt.a m working on tht.
funda mt.ntals to improv~ and bt.
b~tt~r for th~ t~a m/'
statt.d Assistant Coach Sharon
front ft.ow: Amanda SUmm~, Cindy Jordan, Erin Gitj,t4g, Jmnifu Momson, .Jula Co~, Julny Monro•, Canda<:• Ktlly. 6a<:k Row: 165
Coa<:h Coats, Usa Goss, l?ana 6~t, fu~• Kon~, Kim Cou~y, Latra M<:Citlan, S<:at1~tt Smithy, Holy H~, Casq M<:l?uffi., Coa<:h