Page 222 - chs-1997
P. 222

5tN90Y< D9Y<tC'TOY<IJ


            \\'hen we,  the  Clas  of '97 joined,
            we would never imagme the that a
            b  nd  o  trong could have formed.
            A  we reached  eniontv, we began
            to feel the manv emotion  that come
            with  rowing· up  and  monng  on
            with  hfe.   me  of us  were  happY
            and an  iou- a  we became cJ  er to
            "adult life".  Other  were afraid of
            leann  the  pe  pie  that  we  had
             r  wn to  love \\ ithin our 13  vear
            of  chooJing .• 'ow a  the moment IS
            arrivmg,  we are all leaning on each
            other for the emotional  upp  rt that
            we need.  We w11l  alwavs have the
            piCture  ,  mov1e  stub  ;  and  love
            letters  to  remind  us  of  our  h1gh
             chool  year  ,  but deep  within our
            heart  and  mmd  ,  memones  w111
            hnger.  Each of us have dreams that
            we long  to  fulfill  and  I  n  w  that
            each  of  u   are  capable  of
            accomplishmg them.  Throu~hout all
            our  trials,  the  clas  of  97  w11l
            ahvav  be here f  reach other.
                •   Brandi L 'IUl Bedenbaugh

                                                       Matthew Bailey                  Brandi  L  nn  Bedenbaugh
                                                       "B1g  ountrv"  •                "Wh1te G1rl"
                   Terrell Aco  ta                      1ay 21,  1Y1Y                  July 10,  11J7Y
                                                       lrke tire  Ram-Cltnt Black      Let Me Clear  1v ThroJt-DJ  Kool
                                                       "  country bo ·can -.urv1ve"    "I  m't Lymg!!''
                                                       FFA  12 ..                      Volunteer  crv1cc ProgrJm Y;  T1gcrctt •
                   Carol  Adam                                                         9;  CH   9;  Engh-.h  HlmOr   ward Y;
                    'Tcddybear"                                                        Honor Roll 9,1 0, 11;   cJdcm1  Ll'ttl'r
                     pnl  29,1977                                                      '1,10,11;  J.  .  hccrlcadmg 10;   Jr-;1ty
                   I  wear-All-  ne                     tephen  .  Baile               Chc•rll•adtng11,12;  oachc ...   ward
                    "Go • ~oles!!"                      .pnl  4,197Y                   and H1ghc.,t GP  m Chccrlcadmf; 11;
                                                       Bfue Clear  ~  ·George Stra1t   OJ nee Club H1.,ton.1n  10, 11;   nmmal
                                                       "Sec here"                      Ju-.tiCc 11;  State H1-.tory  Fa1r 10,11;
                                                       FFA  12.                        F1~t Runner-up 1n  Mr .... CH  12;  "Most
                    adie  Adam                                                          chool Spmtcd" 12;  B •ta  lub IJ, 12;
                                                                                       CBE  Vlcc-Pn?.,ldcnt12;  Journah-.m
                                                                                       11, 12;   •mor lndl'  l' ·t1on 12;  Ch •m- -
                                                       J erem  Bai  den                Thon 11;   atlonal Honor  oc1et  10,11,
                   J o  hua  Anderson                                                  Dare Da · Role  1odel 10;  Peer
                   "Josh"                                                              Coun-.chng 10.
                   March  19, 1979
                   "If 1t am't broke, don't fix  1t"   Travi  Barkle
                                                                                       Michelle Bedoya
                                                                                       "M1t  h"
                   Brent A  h                          Harold  Barry                   fan.  1,1Y7Y
                                                                                       Reach-GlonJ  E-.tdan
                                                                                       "An  \\JY""
                                                                                       BetJ  lub Y,  10,12;  I H   Presldlnt Y, 10,
                   Ashley Atkin  on                     arah  Bass                     2nd plJce  tJtc  ompl•lltwn 11,  { unt
                                                                                       Counal Rcpn•., •ntJtlvc 12;   rcn  h
                                                                                        ward Y;  Good  Ill/en  h1p  ward 9;
                       IJ                              Joseph  cott Ba  sett           Vl>luntecr Public  •rv1ce Y,  PJrhml•nlJl)'
                                                         ov.2H, 1Y7H                   Procedure Y;  lntcrJct 10,  •crctJrv 11;
                                                                                       I rench Club 10;  1u  IJpha  I ht•ta
                   Charle  Bailey                      l1je Goes  C n-Tupa             10,11,12;   at10nJI  Honor..,  ocwtv
                                                       Cnmmal Ju'>tlce 11,12.          10,11,12;  YeJrbook Staff 10;   olumb1an

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