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herry  a  tillo                          Damien  oiling                      hri  topher Paul  Crew
               Babv  G1rl                                                                  "Crl'w..,"
              july 12, 1979                                                                 1arch 12,  1Y7Y
              filr lkauttful  People-Manlyn  1an  on                                       Cilrru/1  1\ock-Sma.,hmgPumpkm~
               You can't talk to a  Phy  co hke a       Brian  onley                       "The pa ... t 1s  .:1  cancelled check, your
              ocr 12.                                                                      maxunum port of power 1~ now."
                                                                                           Ba..,ketball9,10,11;  Academ1cTeam Y,lO
                                                                                           Key Club 11;  Photography Club 12;
                                                        Dominique  onner                   journalism 11,12.
              John  Cau  e
                                                       Jo  eph Cook
              Jeremie Robert Celli                                                         Brandi  Elizabeth  Daniel
              "Celli                                                                       "Brando"
              Sept. 27, 197'                           Frank  Cooper                       Aug. 7, 1Y79
              Hotel  Califomia-Eaglcs                                                      Pon't Speak·  o Doubt
              ·up yours!H                                                                  "Why?"
              Ba  eball 9,10,11,12;  Golf 9;  Vars1ty                                      Student CounCil Representative 9, 10;
              S 1ccer 11,12;  Cn011nal ju  tlce 11,12.   amantha   omman                   CH  OS Y;  FHA Y;  Volleyball 9,10, 11,
                                                                                           Captam 12;  Tenru.., Y;  Golf 11, 12;
                                                                                           International Club  ICC  Pr  1dent Y,
                                                                                           Interact 10,11,12;  CnmmaiJu ... tJ  c 10,
               haun  Leon  Chapman                     John Thoma   orrao                  11, H1~tonan 12;  H11me  ommg Court 10
              ''ja\VS"                                 "The Great'                           rtCiub 10,11;  D1Jm  nd Lad ·10;  Leo
              Oct. 20, 197                              L'pt. 21,  IY7                     Club 11, 12;  1r .... Congenallty, Mr ....
              Inter Sandman- Metalica                  "Don't m~..,.., w1th me llr dw"     CHS; CJS  Sweetheart.
              "Ever Danced w1th the Devil"             Wre..,tlmg 4, 10, 11,12;  \'Ve1ghthftmg
              ROTC 9, 10, 11, 12.                      Y,10,11,12.
                                                                                           Gary Daniel
              Sybil  Chapman                           Adrian  Co
              jan. 4, 1Y79                                                                  1erilea  Daughtry
              Beautiful  Peop/e-~anlyn  1an  on
              " ... and I was like ... "               Jo  hua Daniel  rapp
              Drama 9,1 0; T1gerettes 9;  Student       jo..,h
              Council Repre  entatlve 9;  Track 9;     ~1av 24,  1 Y79                      ara  Daughtry
              Health and F1tne  Club 11;  Dance Club   Beta Club 9,10,11,12;   cadem1c Letter   june 20,  1979
              11.                                      9,10,11,12;  BaseballlO;  French Club   Women's Chorus Secretary 12;  Ensembl
                                                       10,11;   ahonal Hcmor  oc1ety  11,12;   Treasurer 12.
                                                       Mu  lpha Theta 10,11, Pre..,lcfent12,
              Jacquelin  Charle                        Clas.., V1ce-Pres1dent 11;  Cia..,..,  ecretarv
                                                       12;  Tenn1.., 11;  Dare Day Role Model 1 i.
                                                                                           Michael  Davi
                                                                                           "M1ke Attack"
                                                                                           Sept. 4, 197
              Kri  ta  Cheshire                                                            MI.' and  my  Gtrlfrtrll,i·  1akavell
                                                        icholas  Crawford
                                                                                           "  11ke's m da hou'>e,  'o M1ke I'>  on da
                                                                                           FHA HERO 12.
              J e  ica  Christen  en
                                                       Chad  verett Cray
                                                        ept 26, 197                        Brandye  Dennison
              Mike  Otristie                           Rapper's  l eltgilt- Sugarh11l Gang
                                                       Afr1can  mencan H1  tory Club 9;  CF  C
                                                       Bram Bowl 9;  Student Council       Alii  on Anni  e Dicks
              Kimberly  Michelle Christie              9,10,11,12;  Mu Alpha Theta 10,11,12;   "AI1"
              "K.Jm''                                  , • atwnal Honor  oc1ety 9,1 0,11, 12;   jan. 10, 1979
              March 12, 1979                           Sparu'>h Club 10,11,12;  Leo Club 12;   Some  W/rne 011t  I here
              It's  All Commg  Back to Me-Cehne Dion    1c  mght  chwvers 9,10,11,12;      "You  Know What I Mean?"
              "If you say so!"                         AcademJc Lctter9,10,11;  Beta Club   FBLA Reporter 9; CHAOS 9;
               1archmg Band 10, 11;  Concert Band      9,10,11,12.                         Photography 10; ocr 11,12.
              10,11; Perfect Attendance 9; Good
              Citizen  h1p 9; Uruform Crew 10; HOSA
              10,11,12;  StudentTramcr 12.
                                                       Ta  ha  Lynet Cray
                                                       "Cray"                              Clinton Te':?' Dick
                                                       March  1  ,  1979                   "Capt. D•c  s'
                                                                                             ov. 26,  197
              Kelly Oarke                              Nobody-Keith Sweat
                                                       "As 1f'                             Sexual  Jlealmg- Marvm Gaye
                                                       Marchmg Band 9,1 0, 11;  Flag Team   Football 9,10,11,12.
                                                       9, 10, 11;  Powder Puff Football 12.
              Joann Cay Oevenger
              "jod1-K"                                                                     Kim Dick
              july 27, 1979
              Playerism-Celly Cell                     Bradley Aaron Crew
              "Whaaat!"                                Apnl  13, 1979
                                                       Twisted-Ke1th Sweat
                                                       "Bad  cws"                            eil  Dinges
              Jason Cobb

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