Page 223 - chs-1997
P. 223
Bu-.lnl'S Edalor 11; Junaor Ia-;~ wamlcJmiJ,10,11; 1 sl Valuable Kimberly Elizabeth Bryant
Trca urer 11; Mock Traa111,12; \ amm ·r 9; SpJna-.h Cluh I 0; Who'.; "Klm"
Cnmmal Ju.,hce 11, Trea<;urer 12; Who; Ht<;lory \ ard 10; French Sept. 24, 1979
Honorable Mentaon- Math Faar, C.H.S. ward 11; Honor Roll11.12; Wttlr You- Montca
School AdVJ ory Comma tee 11; naor Congre wnal Youth leadcl'ihtp "I'm o;aytn);, nght?"
Cia.,., Vacc-Pre~adcnt 12; Tager Talc o- ounctl. Marchtng and Concert Band lJ,10,11,
Edalor 12; Dual Enrollment 12. Pre-Collcgtate 11; Mu Alpha Theta 11;
Clil Repre.,cntaltve 11; National
Honor Soctety 12, CBE 12; Gtrl' St te
LuWinda Faye Bridge C.ta...:en12, \ ho'sWho11,12.
Mark-Alcxand r Bell "\ tnd '
"M<~rk" .pral , 1979
June 21, 1979 "For I know tht• phmo; that I have for
1 low Could You- Jodeca yc u, de I are the Lord, pl.1n., for good Michael Angelo Bucchi
BJnd9,10; ROTC ':1,10,11; Son~ofthc and not evtl t gtve you a future and "Booch"
Amencan Revolution Metal 9; A<isa.,tant hope. JeremaJh 21);11" Oct. 19, 197~
qu d Leader 11; Color Guard Team 11; Bctil club<J,10,11,12, 'altona! Honor /kill an S.O.H.-Gary Allen
Enla ted 1n the avy 12. So tel · 10,11, 12; FBLA Pre.,tdent IJ; "no ay"
Academt Leltt•r 'J, 10,11; ataonJI YICA 12.
Hastory Dax '1; Honor Roll9,10,11;
Cro ... Btblc Club 10; Photography
Levi Bennett Club 10; H A Treasurer and Rcgtonal
Prestdent 10,11,12, Mu lpha Theta Earnest Burch
11,12; pana h Club 11,12; Who'..,\ ho June 10, 197
11; hcm-il·thon Team 11; Award» In La'tt tghl- A.1. Yet
Morrell B nnett cademac Cia-; e 9,10,11; attonal "I Love Candtcc Rooo;c"
H A competition th m alton 11. Band 9,10,11,12; Draftmg and De-.tgn
1(),11,12; Spmt Captaan 11; S ntor
Rcprc-.entattve 12.
herri Bennett
William Wa ne Brock Jr.
"Duke, Btlly Gun"
1av 1 , 19"79 Jo hua Burch
1atthew hri topher Bergen Cat 111 the Cradle-Ugly td jo •
June 1H,197':1 "It's all g od'"
Hlack-Pc.:~rl J m cwn c Club 9,10; Bu-.m Club 9,10; Taki ha Burton
"\"VhJl goL'S around, come-. around." \\rc-.thng 10; at10nal Honor oaety
Foothall Y, 10, 11, 12; Ba-.kctball 9,10; plover 9,10.
'1,10,11,12; Boy State 10; lnternataonal
Club 10,11; FcllowshapofChn taan
thlct 10,11; Cnmm.:~lju tlcc 11,12.
Amber Michelle Bro har J o eph Bradley Cabral
Feb. 9,1 97':1 "J pee"
1e You- -enny Ch n v
ug. 3, 1':17
Kelly icole Blanton " male tt mcrea~e., vour £a e value" Yesterday-Bop II 1cn
Kef-Bel" Swtm Team 9,10,1 f,ll; Drama Oub "\VhJt ttmc ,.., tt?"
Jan.23, 1':17'1 10,12; Chrou-. 11,12; oftball Team Y. Choru-.; En-.emble; Leo Club; Var-.aty
o ew-Lon~-.tar Cheerleader
"Oh my gr,..,hl·,
FBLA ':1; Choru~ 9, 10; YolleybJII
10,11,12; Photography Club 10,11; larence Brown
Wrc..,tmg 1at Gtrl10; Golf 11,12; Laura Gail Olnnon
HOSA 11. "Laura Belle"
Dec. 17, 197
Marlenia Me hane Brown Recausr You I Ol'rd 1r-Cehne Dton
" 1 ilrtv 1 ar" "You now what I'm aymg"
Julv 25, 1~7~
Lorenzo Blount French Club 10; Joumahsm 10,Juntor
AI( I yes 011 A·1e- Tupa hu nr Sectton Edt tor 11, Edttor-tn Chtcf 12;
"Hl•rc I go"
Ba ... l<.etballl!,l0,11,12; Leadtn); ~1a-.s 1edta 12; VaNtV Gtrl'.,
Ba., ctball Stat eeper 12.
Rch under 10; Vollevballl1;
David Bond
Whl)'.., Who 12; · ummcrhcad Mo-.t
Valuable Plaver 12; cadl•mtc ward
12; PranctpaJ•., \\ard 12.
Eli Bourie
August Cardullo
Aug. 16,197
Torrevio Man.·ell Brown
Nathan Bradtmueller '' lopp Dogg" Tire Da11cr-Garth Brooks
ate" "Ju-.t gtvc it up."
March 2, 1979 ept. 19,147
liar 1\aCI' rs ( 11·S.1wycr Brown Saztror !ore I Jran it e-K1r hank! an &
"Belter Gel that Chec ed Out" Famah
"WelL Wl'll, Well. Tht•n!"
Lt•o lub Pre~tdent 12; Dr.:~ma Club 12; JRO CY,lll,12; FH HERO 10,11,
Choru~ 12; En-.emblc 12. Cry tal Olivia Carli le
Pholographv lub 11,12; Prt'· olll•gtat • 'Sexy C"
11,12; "Cia~ ... Clown 12".
Feb. 22. 1979
nays of our lll't'S- Bone
Rance Brady "Sfow your Roll"
William D metric Brown Photography 10,11; OCT 12.
" il/
Leigh Anne Brailler I beiler't' 1 can 1111-R. Kl'llv
June 22, 197':1 "It \\til bt• illnght" · Kri ty 01 tillo
011 liar Jurua11s Pomt-Pank Floyd H RO 12; Photography Cluh 12; rt
"Freak!" lub Ill
Sen10r Darectory 217