Page 226 - chs-1997
P. 226

The "chche" deade" to "how their semority m a              Jennifer  1clendon help-. prove the theory that
          different \\d\ .  Time to hit the ab machme, btlyo.,!.     Semor-. do nothmg but refa

                 Meli  a  Ga  kill                  Derrick  Graham                       Matt Hall
                 "  1el                                                                    "  outh"
                 Jan.25, 1979                                                              Dec.  15,1'J7
                 Boo  of Day  -Enya                                                         obody-Keith  we  t
                 "Pootaroo"                         Judy  ray
                 French Club 12;  Dance Club 12.
                                                                                          Erika  Kate  Hardee
                                                    John  Greene                          Jan. 2J,  I'J79
                 There  a  Gemmer                                                         1/rad over  J rrt- lam   1orn.,ett •
                                                                                          Interact 10,11;  )ournah  m  10,11,12;  Leo
                                                                                          Club 11, Swt•etheart 12,  CJ   11.
                                                    Kathervn  Deni  e  Greene
                 Avery Realene  Genove  e            Dl0e' 1
                 "Short\                            LICC.  }6, 197
                 June 13,1979                       I'm  II  111   ) 011- Kcvm  harp        errence Jerrod  Harrell
                 Ei. e vtlwzg I do,  I do  It for 11011-Bnan   "Yt'h nghtt'               "T  Harrell"
                  dam-.                                                                   March  1,  197
                 '"0  cv do  ey artlcht key"                                              Space  Agr P1mp111- Ightb.:~ll
                 Band'Y,10,11,12;  Dance Club 12;                                         "Trut'"
                 History  ward 9;  cctaon Leader    J anaFa  e  Latova  Griffin           Footbaii'J,l0,11,12;   fncan  m •ncan
                 10,11,12;  UmformComnuttce 10,11,12.   "'jana"   ..                      HI ... tory Club 9;  Pn•- olleagate 10;  F
                                                    June 15, 197Y                         12;  \  t'Ightlaftmg Y,10,11,l2.
                                                    What  rnd o  1an- 1mt Cond1taon
                                                    "  nv-hoo"
                 Bernard  George                    CH  . OS 10;  StudentCounalll;  HERO
                                                    12;  H   ~  12;  ar ... •ty Cheerleadmg  o-  Travi  D.  Harrington
                                                    Captam 11, Capta1 n 12.               "  'car"
                                                                                          June 7, 1Y7Y
                 Andrew  Getz                                                             I Do-Paul  Brandt
                                                    Heather Griffi                        Ba., ;ballY, Be-.t Dcfen.,Ive Player 10,
                                                                                          Bc-.t Offen.,•w Playt•r, All  ria Tt•am
                 Amy Gib  on                                                              11;  Football Be..,t  DB 10.

                                                    Matthew  Grin  tead
                 Heidi  Gilley                                                            David  Henry

                 Lacie  Anne  Glenn                 Omar  Haddock                         Marv  Rachel  Herme  man
                 "Pooh"                                                                   "Ray Ray"
                 Aug. 4,1979                                                                ov. 2,  197X
                 Baby  Blue-George Stra1t                                                  trawberry  Wme-Dc  nna (  rt(•r
                  ''You'll get over at."           Jennifer Brooke  Hagler                "That'~ an I got to say about that"
                  Photography Oub 10,11;  Babic Oub 10;   "Brooke"                        1105  'J,11,12;  Frt•nch  lublO,Il.
                 Journah.,m 11.                    June 11,197Y
                                                    Save thr Best  for  I a t-Vanc~ .. a  \  II ham
                                                    "  >mewht>rtf
                                                    H   A 10;  OCT 11,12;  CE  F 11,12.
                                                                                          Travi  Hewlett
                  Rebecca  Gootee
                                                   John Hall                              John Hickey
                  Christopher J.  Graham            "Johnny"
                  "Red"                            July 27,  197Y
                  s 'pt. 26, 1977                  Po  P1mp-Do or Ow
                  World's  Apart-Vmcc Gill          "AIIm Your F<:~cc"                    Janet Amanda Hill
                  "Hey Br  "                         ECF 12.                              "llttlt• ]"
                  FFA  11,12.                                                              ug. 15, 1Y7H
                                                                                          I ru Hmi-L ·nard  kmard
                                                                                          "  oth1 n Fancy"
                                                                                 Y, 10,   HOA  1 0;   Bf  12.

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