Page 225 - chs-1997
P. 225
Ryan Jermaine Dob.,on Stephanie 1:1 well Sabra l.aSwann f·oreman
"Rud p1•oht" ~~ ' c1nn"
jJn. Ill, 1474 prrl13, 1'17~
l\~ar11 t all ( ldtk 1 J kJ vt•lt 0011 a I ~ct lromr-fatth E. vans
"Rrght on to the Rl•al, I l'Jth to "H !H I"
I Jk1•rs" Volunteer 5l'rvtcc Program '1, B •tJ Club
l'ertcd Attl•ndJntl'~,l!l,l I; BJ hri!>topher l·sing ll, Joumaho.;m 10,11, 12; h ocrlcadrng
4,10,1 1,12; l1•nlhJII 10,1 I; II Co..CaptarnY,CJptJtn 10,11,12; HOSA
,\mt•ncJn Ht'>ltll"\' C luh 4; Whn PrL..,Ident '1, l'a urcr 1!1, Treasurer 11,
to, ""'ld 1l'tJitn Sun.,huw StJl• 12: Student Cun rl10. Larson Leader 11;
I I, lilA 12. hta I vans Pre- olhegate 111,11,12; B Tre o.;un.•r
1M h 2 I 1474 12; Home omrng Court ttendJnt 12;
Home ommg ctrvltl">'J, 10, 11, 12;
It' all comm~ l•ack to mr l'lrnc Dt \1 Knrghl chrever IJ, 10,11, 12;
horu .. 4,10,11,12; lntcra1 t 11,12;
Daniel l~ay Dominquez Jr. 11,12; Journahsm 12; Fren h lui Env1rothon 11; cadcmac Letter 11,12
"B.:~b~ Bo I Dt•.,p<~r<~do" Ill, II I 12
De ~), JY74
ly /!oo hn.,t lown J.'.,
"I love T1<1 Brannon" Tonya Fountain
BandY,lO, rcn l' \\drd~
henemeeka Farmer Thomas Frampton
Samantha Maureen Do sett
\1<1~ 1, 1Y7'
Unbrea TTIIJ /teart- J 1101 Br<1 ton honta Farmer Miriam Franklin
" ou !U"t on' t no\\" " atrka"
BctJ Cluh 4,10,11,12; Spant.,h lub jun•27,1 7 March 27, 147'J
4,10,11,12; \cad •mr Lc.•ttcr4,10,11; I /!eltn•e I Om 1/t<-R. 'ell • Soon a I Get Home-Fatth van.,
H \ 10,11, H 10,11; 1u lph.1 "\\'c<;tsrde" "Treat other.., th • way you want to be
FH 12. trcJted"
I h ·ta 11,12; Envrrothon 4.
Choru.., Y,10,11,12; Ba.., ctball 11; Dnll
Team, Frr .... t pia c award-; at talent
-.h w .....
Sarah Dougla!> Mark Federico
"I n.,p · tor G dget"
1ar h , 1Y7Y
/11 tire trll of tit t~llt-Bny/ II M1•n Rebecca Frazier
"\gem,., nc t pohshed \\rthnut rubhtng Jame f·ike \1a~ 17, 1Y7Y
n11r a man perf •ctcd "rthout trarl ... " Beck"
Band Y,IO,I1,12; LtbranJn 10,11, 2nd I raw uad Otv D.J.'..,
Lrutcnant 12 "YJ 'n0\\' 11 •
Jo h Flegel Flag Tt•am Y, DCT 12.
prtl 24, 1474
!<amy Da11 Woman-Bob Dylan
We!>ley Dougla
Je ica Fryer
Michael arra\\ay Foreman
" h<~ttv 1 lr .., .. Regina Fudge
oelle [·bert 1arch"12, 1474
"Beetle" ( >u - 1et llrca
De. , 147' "Hcv Bab.,:!"
1akr Iter, _ard I a e /fer- Ia bam 11 <1,10,11,12; 1u Iphd lhcta
"\\'hJtever noJt your b at" Y,10,11,12; Interact 4,10,11,12, Cnmrnal
D ,C CF 11,12; Perfect ttcndJncc 10, Ju.,llcc 11,12; rtCiub 10; Volunteer
Dram1 nd dy 11; 1at Grrl 4; CH Pub he crvrcc Y, Frlc \\ ard Y; Powder Amanda Garcia
4, Phl togrJphy Club 10. Puff ll,10,l1,12; Beta Club 4,10,11,12;
Tl'nnr.., Tl•am 11; Honor Roll9,10,11,12.
Jennifer Garcia
Tamm Eisel
utumn 1urphv pa}" cfo..,c atll'ntron rn cia..,.., \\htll• _hi ata Pollard watche her fnend wondenn 1f they
K1m hn'>llt' dt ldt•.., th • canwra1" more 1mportant. act lr e thi all the time.
Sen10r D1rectory 219