Page 67 - chs-1997
P. 67
Charlotte Kuhn and Meh like the\ are It 1. kind of hard to make out \\ho these fellow classmate are huh,
pracllcmg hard m Mr Peron to' band cl ha\\n Howard and Brad Ho. etler'?
Thomas, J e
Thorn~ . Josh
Thorton, Y1~ki
Tillman, Mose
Tillman, Thomas
Tillot. n, Micah
Tomlmson, Theresa
To\\ne, Anthom
Turner Kn ·ta
Turner ha\\n
Verducc1 Adam
Yore Conroe
Wachob, hn
Wade Cedric
Walker, Johnrue
Walker, Paul
Walker, W!lhe
Ward, GlUT)
Ward Jetf
Wa. hington, Bianca
Waters, M1sn
Waten;, Theron
Watt , L!Za
Weatherspoon, Bobb~
Jumors 61