Page 71 - chs-1997
P. 71

Sophomores are  inally Here!

                                                                           B •ing a  ophomore and comm  to a  th1   chool has
                                                                          pr  ented m  ny new chall  nge  .  F1r  t,  you  et to  ee
                                                                          how many n  we cu   you can com  up With . ( Ch .. .
                                                                          my goldfl  hat  1t ? )   ond, you get to   how many
                                                                          peopl  you can   ton on  chair dunng lunch.  (who'
                                                                          hand 1  on  my  th1gh?!  )  Third  ,  you  have  to avoid
                                                                          getting tramp!  d  m the between- cia  stamped  . ( My
                                                                          Spleen  ! You're cru  hmg  my  pleen!  ) The  greate  t
                                                                          challenge  though  i   taymg  awa  e  m  the  e  bloc
                                                                          cia  e  . ( .. then Grant and hi  troop  blah blah .  .
                                                                          ZZZ ) Actually  the great  t chall  nge 1  not getting
                                                                          you're butt  1cked by  the uppercla  men. ( Oh no!  ot
                                                                          the  wirly,  anything  but  that'  )  All  the  e  ne\
                                                                          challeng  h  lp u  prepare forth  year  to come and
              A  th  b  II nn                                             add to th  e  cltem  nt of bem  a  ophom  re.
                                                                                        tephante Tyson

      Conung to th • n  w  h  ol d1dn't hurt the"  phomore 5pmt, It on[  helped 1t.   ~  n  •a Chapman laugh  a~ Conme Reimer h  ld!-> a p1cture up O\ er her
                                                                f, ce  o we w  n't ..,ee her.

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