Page 148 - chs-1998
P. 148

and dance

                                           Wright'  Dance  Club  perform  nee  ,  they
                                           ha\ e  an  unforgettable  rnemor)  of a  lot  ol
                                           hard  \\Ork  ,  dedication,  nd  dan~.:e profe  -
                                            ionali  m. The purpo..,e of the Dance Club i
         nit).  The Performing   enter \\a  the   to promote d • .mce cia  acth itie.., at  olum-
         cene  of th  Chri..,tma  performan 'e  and   bia Hi 'h  Lh( ol.  To join the  lub) ou h,l\ e
          tudent  entertained  their  parent  and   to  be  a  member of the  dance/ballet  cia  "·
         friend  in the communi!) '"ith many beauti-  ariou  field  trip  ha\ e  b~.:en  taken  to  the
         ful  ong  of the  hold  )  ea on.   onte  t   college and to the  ni \ er  it) of Florida and
         \\ere held during the Olu  tee Fe  ti\ al \\eek-  J  c  omille.  1onth  ofhard\\orkpa)of
          nd. Fundr  i  er  like cand)  ale  J...ept mem-  in beautiful co. tume  , prole'>  ional  et  and
         ber  bu  )  and brought a  n  e of purpo  e to   profe  ionall)  choreographed  dance  rou-
         the group.  En  emble  \\ent to Walt Di  ney   tine  .  1 . Wright di\ ide  her time bct\\een
         World  for  the  mu  ic  fe  th  I  during  the   the  Biolog)  cia  room and the g) m \\here
          hri  tma  Holid  )'>.  Thi  enjo)  ble  e\ent   the Dance cia  e  meet and practice.
         \\   peci  I memo[) for the Ch  ru  mem-  1u  ic and Dance an~ a \Lf\ 1mportant part
         ber  and their  pon or.  1r. Frederico\\ a  a   o  the  curriculum  at  H   Both  ol  the  e
          tudent  of  the  I  te  1r .• or ...   activ:itie   re  cl   e  ·or c.red1t  a  \\ell
         belO\ ed ch  rat te  her at CH    club  that pro\ ide entertainment for the  tu-
         brought much o  Mr.  ho c.e       denh and  ommunit • .
         and  profe  ionali  m  back  to    The rine  rt   re an important part of the
         room.                              chool  cene in  olumbia Count) .  'nfortu-
                                           n  tel)  the  rt   lub  had  not  formed  '"hen
          Dancing i  one of the be  t lo\ed and mo  t   club picture  \\ere bemg taken , The-..  m  de
         re  pected   Cll\ it1e  on  campu  .  The   n  e  iting  Field Trip to  the  Hori
         Tigerette  are  probabl)  the  be  t  nown   Fmr  to  ob ene all  o  the  a\\ard
         dan  er  on  campu  but  for  tho  e  student   artwork done by  tudent
         and communit_  member  \\ho ha\e had the   . tr .  and  e Hme  and
         oppportunit)  to  itne'>  one of . 1r  . Debra   '"ere the  pon  or  .

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