Page 156 - chs-1998
P. 156

Mr  .  leg 0  home, \tar  uy  hcerleading  pon  or, find
               her  fir  t year  lot  of  un and \ ery challengmg .. he hold
               her girl  in high regard  a)mo that they are.  ··v.ondcrful
               cheerleader,  upcr  athlct  •  a  v.ell  a  leadc   of  the
                h  1.'' The  r  rna  eh  rj  ba  ea) a  po  ihle.
                 Onat)picalgameda) ~1  .0 b  mei  \erybu  ymaking
                   ign  re put up and th  tth  heerlcad   are  trct  hcd
                    no mjurie  v. ill happen. She ha  put m a lot of hdrd
               \\Or  and ef~ rt  into  preparing a competition  qu  d m  d
               up of  ar  it  and J .. Cheerleader  to take to the  .ttional   2  l#.t. 4/#.t, 6/#.t. .. ~ *'&/"
                h  erleading  ompetttion. \\ ith  llthi  commotion going   T    n
               on  he  till find  tim  to cheer on the  I iger  !
                                            Le  nn \\11  on       h  lum

                                                                   I  01   re on mp 01 uun

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