Page 157 - chs-1998
P. 157
M~t~ ~tnl;fyrhl./y h/Jit! .lj1Pn.!P/J
F~IJ/t! 4//J/tt*'y hiJ/t! fiyp~ ......... .
Being a cheerleader consists of much more than help. A squad unites by supporting each other
a short skirt and big smile. lt invol es many gruel- and becoming friends. You come together not
ing days of hard work. very year the varsit squad only as acquaintances, but almost like ister .
competes for a national bid. This takes up much of heerleading is ju t like the word. .. heer" to
their summer and requires a lot of dedication. A motivate the crowd and also the football player .
cheerleader must be a positive example: must tay Who wouldn't \\.ant to play in a tadium ull of
imolved in man} acti\ities around chool chool fans chanting your name'? "leading" to portray a
spirit is a major role in cheering. The willtngness to leader, someone who steps forward to initiate
ha e an outgoing per onality among large groups omething. In thi ca e. it would involve orne-
must be prmed many time . reativene al o one leading for a po iti\e cau e.
help . , ew idea and fun acti\ ities are always II of these characteri tic can be found in
ncce itie when attempting to get the cro\\.d in- each member of this quad. Through their hard
vol\ed. Both physical and mental strength are work they have achieved many goal . The
required. Phy ical strength is needed to perform accomplishment they are mo t proud of i their
the a\\.e orne tunt at pt::p rallies. Mental '>trength national bid which allo\\. them to tra\el to
aids in facing a problem and getting through it with Dallas. Texa to compete \\.Ith quad from all
a mile, a well as helping other . common over mericJ . ext time }OU p.1 J cheerleader
characteri tic of a cheerleader i the willingnc to in the haiL remember there 1 more b hind that
mile than you ever knew before.
By L}n. ee kmner
ShO\\IngJu t h "h1 h th ) an fl) , B1an,
\\ hin ton nd Scyueta \\ 11 on d parallel Hc:r I<
I ncn~ h1p build tbr ugh hard"or and d d~cau n.
Cho nng l \ ry tmportant to n Ia f:adi nd
u ta \\11 on.
Varsity Cheerleaders 153