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                                                                     A a                            Bb

                                                         STEVEN ABBOT
                                                         Nlcknam.: "S wvo"
                                                         D.O.B  2129180 P.O.BJ Ft  Myar., FL
                                                         Fav. Song : "FrH Bird"· Lynerd Skynerd
                                                         F.v. Slogan. "Good stuff!"      rang   me
                                                         Accompllahment.: Wres  ng {II), (10), Waoght   ng   Accompl   menta. J.V  Socxar (9),·0ef   •
                                                         (12)                           Player of the YMr (10), FFA (II), Chorus (10), V  Footba  (11),
                                                         Goala: "Go 1o co ega to be an engonHr •   CBE HMrt throb (12), Who's Who? (12), Dual Enrollment
                                                         Memoriea  •   four ol my high -=1>001 yMr. •   (12), Wr   ng (12), Fr   ra (12)
                                                                                        Goa a  "Go to   he U  •  Jty, Ador,   rea  estate
                                                          CHELLE NICOLE ALARID           e smokey's •
                                                         Nlcknam.: "Shelf'
                                                                                        Memoria•  "Mandy and I couldn't stand Nell other In the
                                                         D.OB  711  OPO.B.:Gelv  ton,TX   1a.h grade·
                                                         Fav. Song : Any1tWlg by Keok1
                                                         F.v.  logan  "Cause I ea.,·    JANA BAILEY
                                                         Accomplehment.  Jouma  sm (10), (11), (12)
                                                         Goal a· ,  want 1o go to col ega •   DEANNA BAKER
                                                                                        Nle  nama  "Whino Barba"
                                                         STEPHAN1E ALBRITTON            POB : M   ,FL
                                                         D.O.B   261711  P.OB ·lal<aCoty,FL   Accompllahmenta  Track (II), (12),  ay Club (II), HOSA
                                                         Fav  Song : "T   Me' - John Cox   (10), (12), FFA (12)
                                                         Accompllahment.  Drama Club (II), Math Award (II),   Coale  • Air Forcw'Physoea  TharaposL •
                                                         Kay Club (10), Art Club (11), (10)
                                                         Goala· Man  t  Biology
                                                                                        DIANA BALDREE
                                                         lihmoriae: "GMry Claunch got his pants pull-.l dow<~ by   Nle  nama  "0", "01"
                                                         Dana Bast 1n ll1n grade •      D.O.B  101251  0 P.O.B : Opp, AL
                                                                                        F.v Song  "Smoke on the Wa ar" ·Anything by the Eag  •
                                                         ADAM ALLEN ANDERSON            Fav.  Slogan  "PMca + lolla •  Happln  s", "What7", "And?"
                                                                                        Accompliehm.nte  FCA (II), (10), Drama (II), (10), (11),
                                                         ADAM ANDERSON                  Cho~r (9), Se•ane• Club- P u  (10),la  n CkJb (11), Kay
                                                                                        Club-See. (11),·Pres (12), Drama  ooDag  (12)
                                                         MARCUS ANDERSON                Goal• • ,  w  n  to baooma a doctor, have my own newspaper
                                                         D.O.B. 5115180                 column, or baooma a SJnga! ae or on broadway •
                                                         Fav. Song:,  ~ lolla"- LL Cool Jr.   Mamoriae:,  rst   -.l on to   school my 11th grade
                                                         F.v. Slogan  'Whoa that Is not good'   y  r, I fa  so alone and eo out ol p  ca that I w  t home and
                                                         Accompllahm.nt.. Perfect Attendance (II), (10), (11 ),   cn-.l  I hat-.l   place but I  •  coma lo love   I'll never for·
                                                         H  ro(9),(10),(11)             gat lhasa two yMrs or tha fnands I've made •
                                                         Goal• • ,   t to be a PhySICal Tharapost. •
                                                         lihmoriae: '1)ancing 1n  •  pap rally •   BILUE JO BALL
                                                         MARIO ANDERSON                 D   NYBALUET
                                                          lcknam.: "Man"
                                                         D.O.  B. 8117 P.O.B : Gaints111  a, FL   JUSTlN BAN  ISTER
                                                         Fav. Song:, Nways FMI   a• - Master P
                                                         F.v. Sloganc ,t a"'' no  n·    RANDALL BARBER
                                                         Accompllahment.· Bast o"enslv• Ba   (1 O),l  It  rman
                                                         Jee  at (11), PI~ 4th placuutata  aogh   match   GINA BASIUSCO
                                                         -154dass (11)
                                                         Goala: "Go to UCF, Mapr 111  Bu  n   Management and   AMY BEARDEN
                                                         play foolbal
                                                                                        LEYLA BEASLEY
                                                         BRIAN ANGSTADT
                                                         D.O.B  12/20{711 P O.B ·Lake City, FL   ARTHUR BEDENBAUGH
                                                         Fav. Song. 'Rebel Y-'!'- Billy Idol   Nickname  "Big A"O.O.B.  ,6f7g P.O.B : La  t  City, FL
                                                         F.v. Slog  n: "W!lars goon' on?"   F.v. Song· "Saa  Esteem"- Offspnng
                                                         Accompllahm.nt.:  a tiona  Honor SoCiety (1 0), (11 ),   Fav  Slogan· "Yeah, I'm a skater"
                                                         (12), MuAiphaT   (10),(11)     Accomplehmente· Soccer (II], (10)
                                                         Goala: "To be tha neX1 Bi ly Idol"   Goale: "To be a computer progra,..,.,.r, computer raplllr, and
                                                         lihmoriaa: I remember when Gary Uberty pa1nt-.l his   a gu1tar player •
                                                         hair blue n  Mr. Owens dus."
                                                                                        Mamori .. • "Wt saw the boy 1n tht bucket n m-.lla."
                                                         DEDRIYA JERON  ARUNE           REGINALD BEUVEAU Ill
                                                          leknam.: "Oeedea•
                                                         D.O.  B. 01/15180, P.O B :   a City, FL   ANTHONY BELL
                                                         Fav. Song: "The day (  at you gave me a ~on)"· Baby·
                                                         face                           SHAU  BELL
                                                         F.v. Slogan: "Today   lv-.l, makes lomorro  a 111soon
                                                         olhope                         STEVE HENRY BELL
                                                         Accompllahment.: Bo~1ng (II), (10), (11), (12), Track   Nle  name  ,;r Rar
                                                         (II), (10), (11), (12), Alncan Amancan   ory Club (II),   D.O. B. 11/21178 P.O B : Galnasv  a, FL
                                                         J V  Bask   Manager award (II), Jl/ Bas  •   mos   F.v. Song:, .. be m  song you• • Puff Daddy
                                                         lmprov-.l award (10), Pre-Coll~ga  (10), (11), (12), Goll·   F av  Slogan. "I'm 'bout  •
                                                         amment Award (10), Who's Who among Amanean High   Accompllehmente  Afro Amancan H•  tory Club (II), (10)
                                                         School Studen  (11), (12), Pep Club (12)   ROTC (II), (10), On  T  m (9), (10), Pep Club (12)
                                                         Goala: "To attend Tulane or FSU and ma,or n  Psycho~<>   Goals  "I   nt lo go •n the Army •
                                                         gy, mnor n Education •         Mamoriae· ,  ramambar when I f   In love •
                                                         lihmoriae:, remember when my mothar got~ work 10
                                                         SH me play be  etbal."         WILUEBERRY
                                                         TERRA AUSTIN                   DANA BEST
                                                                                        D.O B. 111  80 P 0  B;  Valdo  ta , GA
                                                         SARA AVERY                     F.v. Song. ,.II be m5Sing you"
                                                         D.O. B.  1213180 P.O. B.: Ga1naS\IIDe. FL   Fav  Slogan. "No Ooubr
                                                         Fav  Song  "Foolish Game  • • Wyd   JM   Accompllehmant•  Vars•ty eollb   Tiger a   rd (10), (11),
                                                         F.v Slogan  "Do I care?", "I didn' do K •   L  tter-.l  n Val'llty Ba  e   , Socx  r, So11ba.U, Vol eybal  (II),
                                                         Accompllahm.nt.. Band (II), (1 0), (11 ), (12), Span1sh   (10),(11), (12)
                                                         (1 0), (11 ), HOSA (1 0).      Goal•  "I plan 10 be an enwonmentaJ spaa  IL •
                                                         Goala: "To be a Ma  •  8lologJ  •   Memoria•: "As  ay M. made my car get stuc  on 70th street·
                                                         Memoriea  "H  ng under a ••• through bndga from En
                                                         G  Jusbn G  and Adam N "
                                                                                        SUDHIR BHASKAR
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