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N ckname: "Nucar", "Hollywood", "Forestarter", "SpiCe"   N ckname: "TH"
       D.O.B  1111181  P.O. B.: Kansas City. KS   D.O.B. 215.'80 P.O. B.: Lake Crty, Fl
       Fav Song  "'ne" • Metanoca        Fav  Song  "Much love"· Mra-X
       Fav Slogan: "4 uf  1 "            Fav  Slogan: "If you donl b  oeveln youraeK, no one lise
       Aecompllahmenta  J V Soccer (!I), (1 0) Earth/Space A  rd   n·
       (9), Honor Socraty (!1), (10), -Trauurar (12). Beta (!1), (10),   Aceompllahmenta: Algebra I Honora Award (!1). FCA
       (11), (12), Most Valuable modfreldar (10), Franch Award (10),   (10), OCT Club (11), Pap Club (12)
       Mu Alpha Theta (10), (11 ). (12), V Soccer (11 ). (1 2), Lao   Goala  "To go to FAMU lor four years and become a pro-
       Club (11), (12), Calculua Award (11), Chemistry Award (11),   bation olfocar."
       Cn  nal Justice Club ( 12)        Mamor1ea· 'When I met tha love of my  te, a C."
       Goal a:, plan to an end college and mafO(., busmeaa admin-
       Istration •                       ANDRIA BROWN
       Mamotiea: "The Orange Park tie game"   Nickname: "Oria"
                                         D.O. B. 1211f78 P O.B : Lai<e Crty, FL
       RICHARD BIAS                      Fav  Song:, BelOng to YC'AI' ·Rome
                                         Accompllahmenta: Tra   (!I), (10), French Club (11 ),
       STEPHANIE BIDDLE                  Pr•Collegrata (11).
                                         Goal  a: "To go to oolege •
                                         ANT   OBROWN
                                         BENJAMIN BROWN
       Nickname  ".lama Banana"          MITCHELL BROWN
       D 0  B  115/   PO B : Gall'lesvflle, FL   N ckname: "ShortJe •
       Fav Song:"Vou'va to.! that loving fH ng" · The Rrghtaoos   D 0  B  511/80 P. O. B ~ GarneiVIIe, FL
       Brothera                          Fav  Song  "I believe I can Fly"
       Accompllahmenta: Band (!I), (10), Orama Club (!1), Tennrs   Fav  Slogan · "You must be  lVI on order to ac:hriVI"
       (!1), (10), (11), (12), Academjc l   er (!1), (10), {11),1nt  ract   Accompllohmenta: Pap Club (10), Youth Choir (11),
       Club (10), (12), Franch Club (10), Beta Club (10), (12), Who's   weigh   ng(11),Joumasm(12)
       Who? {10), (11), 'II  arbook Co-Edi or rn chief (12), FCA {12)   Goa Ia: "To ac  lVI a degrH on law school."
       Goals: "Elementary EducaliorVC  ld P  ydlology"
                                         SUZAN  A BROWN I  G
       Nickname   race   ace"            ALISON BURLAGE
       D.O.B  416180P.OB.: Do   n,Al
       Fav  Song:"FoolilhGam  ".J        DONOVAN DESHAU  BURTON
       Fav  Slogan. "You T  rn '?'"      Nickname• "Oonnre"
       Accompllahmenta: TSA (!I), (10), (11), FCA (!1), (10), (11),   D.O B   817!1 PO B.: Jasper, Fl
       Student Couroel (!1), Band (!I), (10), {11 ), (12), ChHrleading   Fav  Song:"R bbon m tha  y"
       (!II, Flag  (10), (11), (12). Who's Who' (12)   Fav  Slogan: •  ah G"
       Goala:"MaJO'  Den   ry,  lnor  Drama"   Accompllahmenta· Bas  tba   ),(10),(11),(12),
       Memor1 .. '"My band  rector from Un1011 Cou   taught me   HERO (9), Foo1ba  (10), Ba  1ba  (10), Won 2nd place
       more   ju  rruslc, he gave me ideas on  fa and what .   Sunshrne Stat  Games (12)
       out there"                        Goal•: "Go to College and have a carHr on sports ma
       DO.B  11   !I                     LYNDSEY BUSSCHER
       P.O.B : Orlando, Fl               Nl  name  "lyns"
       Fav Song: "The ntort  me I fa     Fav  Song: "FrH Brrd" • Lynard 5  nard
       Accompllahmenta : A-8 Honor Roll (10), Amancan H story.   Fav  Slogan · "Wart a monu • •
       GaorNtry, Engl   II   rd  (1 0), Acadamlc: l   er (11)   Accomplle  mente  Golf (!1), (10), lkllieyball (!1), HOSA
       Goal• ·"Go to U F., majOI'   Pro  SIIOn&l Eng!!> Hong •   Ill ,l10). FCA (10), CEBF (10).
       Mamor1ea  ,  remember when Marc11 G  rger  nd I bacama   Goala:"Oper1myo   bu  ness"
       best  nend  •                     Mamor1ea  "AD the WILD poser partr  s'"
       KARMEN L  BOWLES                  CHRISTOPHER Blln.ER
        ckname  "Tr  a"D 0  B  612!17!1
       Fav  Song : "Too gone,  oo long"   LA KAY A O't'ON Bl/TTS
       Accompllohmenta· Tra   (!1), Mart:  ng Band (9), Drll Team   ckname  "Dee Dee"
       squad leader (!I  (10), Color Guard (Ill. WWt V  araos Award   DO.B  !j,12/7!1P.O.B:Gaon   eFL
       (10),0CTSacratary(11),Di  rictSacr  tary(11),0CT(12)   Fav  Song· "How CoiAd an Ang .. Br   My Heart?"·
       Goa Ia. "To bacorroe a PhyiiC8   arapr  •   To  Braxlon
                                         Fav  Slogan  "What  rl to you?"
       NATALIE BOYD                      Accompllahmenta  Ba  etbaQ • Captarn (9, (10), (11),
        lckname  •  ate  ala"            (12), Afro Amenca  H s ory Club· Treasurer (9), (12),
       D.O.  B. 101917!1                Tra   (9), Mcnrght Achi8VIrs (9), Beta Club (9 , HOSA
       Fav Song· "Adiamu  • • Adiamus and "The Retum to~   (10), (11), (12), Pra-Colegrate (10), VP (11), (12),
       cance"-Enogma                    Fr  nch Club (10), (11), (12), A-B Honor Roll (11), Pap
       Accompllahments  Smoi<ey Moun   Musoc F   Club (111
       Band (!I), Ort:hestra (!1), Spa   Club (9, (10), Ch  rry Blo•   Goa Ia: "A  end Ufvve!Sity ol   m&JOnng   8K>mld.,
       som M  SIC Fe  vat- Band, (10), Art Club (10), (11), (12)   ce  E   neenng"
       Goal  a· "Travel, become lamoos artrst, and at least gil my   Mamor1ea· ,  remember when I was  no   grade, our
       brown belt m karate. hope   my black belt, too •   JV ba   tba  team brol<e  •  clock on Uve Oak, and my
                                        brother gol to SH me play lor the  r  bme"
                                        ANTHONY BUZZELLA
       CHRISllE BRANNEN                 N   name  "Tony"
       D.O.B   14.79PO.B:Ga  1   e,FL   F IV. Song  "Don l  5paa  •  o Doubt
       Fav Song : "On   ng My Baby Goodbye"· Cha  1  De.  lis   Fav  Slogan: "Uve  1  o the   don't  etrl   you'"
       Fav  Slogan: "'ul   on  e •      Accompllahmenta: Kay Club (9 ), Concer1 & Marctung
       Accompllahmenta  Beta Club (!1), Flag  eam (Ill. FFA (10),   Band (9, (10), (11), (12). Franch Club(10), Gong Show
       Academoc letter (10), FFA Of!ocer-Chaplan (11), FFA   ocer-  (10), (12), Jazz Band (11), (12),  MHl me on  St.lou\s
       Reporter (12)                    (11)
       Goa  Ia  "Go to college  nd bacorroe a phy   tharapost."   Goala  •   nt to become a PhyiiC8  Theraptsl and a
                                        Psychologist to my fnends •
       Nickname  "Beau  lA Bobby", "The Big Bopper", "Baclldoo('   JARVIS BYRD
       D 0  B. 211  80 PO B : La  e City, Fl   Nickname· "Byrd Ma  •
       Fav  Song  "One"· Me  oca        D.O.B.2117f7!1 POB :Ga   e.Fl
       Accompllahmenta  Footbal (10), (11), (12), Trad! (11),   Fav. Song  •  niVIr made a pmmo  e" • Dn.o  Hr
       Weogh  r  ng{10),(11),Boy  State  OITllnH(11),A-BHonor   Fav  Slogan: "Boom", • Anyways"
       Rol (11),lao Club (12), C   na  Jus  e Club (1 2)   Accompllehmenta: Physoca  F   ss Award (!1), (10),
       Goal a  "Go to Col ega and maJOr   Susana  •   Footba  Certoftcate (II), (10), (11) Be  Trger Defense
                                        (11), Footba  Trophy (11 ), W  gh   ng and Footba  pns
       CAROL ANN BRIGHTMAN              (11), 2 medal lor wltgh   ng (11)
       Nickname  "Ur Monvna"            Goalo  "To go to colege and play lootball and get a bel·
       D 0 B. 711&80 PO. B.: Orlando, Fl   ter education, maybe play lor  1  f'l"
       Fav Song.   Can I Help You Say Goodbye?"· Patty   Mamor1ea:, remember when I ran over bog  red  nd
       1..0\'lf                         Famon Dunbar on lootbal practice
       Fav  logan:"Oarmy.  t•
       Accompllahmenta  HOSA Treasurer(!l), Academoc Lenar
       (!I), (10), (11)  OSA (10), HOSA Secretary (11) Who's Who   Cc
       Among America'& High School Students? (11) HOSA Prest-
       dent (12), SADO (12)
       Goal•  "To be a Pediatnc11n"
                                        NICOLE CALDWELL
       TORRIETREN  E BROOMFIELD         D.O. B. 6/25180 PO.B : Fort Lauderdale, Fl
                                                                                                    Semor Index  213
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