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AccompUehments: Drama Club (II). Perfect Attendance   MASTON EDWIN CRAPP
                                                       (11), Beta Club (12), SADD (12), Spanish Club (12)   D.O.B  11/21711 P.O.B :G811l   Ia, FL
                                                       Goal a  "Go 1o LCCC lor 2 years, and go to UF lor 2   F.v. Song : "End of the Road"· Bc1;z 1o Men
                                                       years"                          Accomptlahmanta: Ba  ketbel (II), Golf (10), (11), (12),
                                                       Memorl .. :, mat my boyfnend. Scott, lor the ftrst tome."   Bc1;s  State Delegate (11 ). Editor-n-Cheof "T.g  r T Ia" (11 ),
                                                                                       (12), Football (12)
                                                       DEIDRA CALLOWAY                 Goa  Ia: "Attend college and maJO( 1n BuSII'Iess."
                                                       Nickname: "'ee"                 Memorieac "Beau Carder was my first fnend In La   City
                                                       D.O.B  6.'20<'80 P.O.B.: La  a C11y,  FL   when he 1ntroduced himself on my  rst day ol school hare·
                                                       Fav Song  "For You I  r
                                                       AccompUahments : Ba  etball· Best DefensiVe (II),   NICOLECRAY
                                                       (10), (11), Be  t0ffensrve(11)
                                                       Coal a: "Graduate from College as a Physteal Tharapst"   JUSTIN CREWS
                                                       QU  NTON CALLUM                THOMAS CREWS
                                                       GEORGETTE CALVETE              JOSEPH CROCKER
                                                       KRISTINA CAMPBELL              TALUE CULPEPPER
                                                                                      D.O B. 12122179 POB : W   Pelm Beach, FL
                                                       MANDY CAMBELL                  Fav Song: "How do I Uver • Leann Rom
                                                                                      Fav Slogan : "Yeah Roghr, or, don't Know"
                                                       TICEACAN  ON                   Accompllahmants: HOSA (10)
                                                                                      Goal a: MaJ<>r In Bus  ass or  urSing and marry Dale Mose-
                                                       LAUREN CHRISTINA CAPITI        ley"
                                                       N ckname: "Shorty"             Memoriea  "The  d  In my child care clas  couf  '1 pro-
                                                       D.O.B  6.'5180 P.O.B.: St  Peter  burg, FL   nounce my name·
                                                       Fav. Song: "Unbrea  My Heart'· Tony Braxton
                                                       Fav. Slogan: "Ahh how sweer, "Let me tell )'Ou"   ERIC CU   INGHAM
                                                       Accompllahments : Danca (9), (10), (11 ), (12), Soccer
                                                       (9), (10), (11), (12), Beta (II), (10), (11), (12), Trac  (SI),   SHAN  ON CURRY
                                                       (1 0), Church Drama (SI), ( 1 0), ( 11 ), ( 12), Church You
                                                       Leader (10), (11), (12)        ALLYSON CATHERINE CZARNECKI
                                                       Coate· "Go lo college. get a PHD   Psychology, bec:om.   Nickname ·u  e Ar"
                                                       a pro 90Ccer player"           D.O.B  11116.711 PO B.: Portsmouth,  H
                                                       Memorlae  'God brought the love of my   ba<* lo me   Fev Song  ,rs Your love"· Tim McGraw
                                                       When M•ke lold me he reaized that I was the one he   Fev. Slogan : "Good thongs come to thiOse who warr
                                                       wanted lor hie, and no one else could rna  e hom happ1er.   Accompllahmenta  SW1mTeam (II), (10), (11), (12), Frtn
                                                       Q love )'OU  ba~)"             (10), Dance (10), French (11), (12)
                                                                                      Goal a· "To baa Psychiltn
                                                       GEORGE FRANK CARDER
                                                       Nickname: "Beau"
                                                       D 0  B  !>'  '80 P.O B : l.J  le Ro<*, AR
                                                       Fav  Song  ,'U ba M ssang Yoil' • Puff O.ddy   Dd
                                                       Fav  Slogan: "'o unto olllers a  )'OU would have them
                                                       do unto )'OU •
                                                       Accompli  hments: Ba  elba  Scholar  p Award (SI),   CHRYSTAL DANIEL
                                                       (10), Drama Club (9),  at10na  Honor Soc1ety (9), Aca·
                                                       democ Letter (9), (1 0), (11 ), (12), A-Honof (9), (10), (11 ),   DANIELLE DAVIS
                                                       Golf~ Iter) (10), Mu Alpha Theta (10), Host "TEEN   Nickname: •   ,.
                                                       TALK" TV show (11), President'  Academoc Achoevern.nt   D.O.B.  1212Bnll
                                                       (11), Outstanding Student In Chemistry, Econornocs,   Fev Song: "Carry1ng )'OUr love   me"· George Strait
                                                       Accounting (11), Who's Who? (11), Elrchange student to   Accomptlahmenta: HOSA (II), SADD ( 12)
                                                       Japan (12)
                                                       Coale : "Go lo UF, MaJO< Ill Busme  s Management and   J   I FER DAVIS
                                                       Law.  en go to Arkansas and sell cars at my dad's de   D 0  B  2/26.'80 P 0  B : L  ke Clty, FL
                                                       er  p."                        F av Song : • Apnl 211.  1 5192 ( M   •• Sublime
                                                       Mernorl .. ,  remember when JUst "da boyz" cou4d get   Fav Slogan . "Do wharcha gotta do"
                                                       loge  er and have a n.ght on the lown."   Accompflahmenta· Academoc Letter (II), Key Club (10),
                                                                                      OCT ( 12), Leo Club (12)
                                                       SARAH CARRICO                  Goala: "Attend Sante Fe Comm.J  ty Colege and become a
                                                                                      denta  hyg1enrst •
                                                       MIA CARDER
                                                                                      JOD'f DAVIS
                                                       MATTHEW CASON
                                                                                      MORIOLE DAVIS
                                                       TIMOTHY CASSIDY
                                                                                      BRIDGETTE DAYS
                                                       LAMURE MARION CATHERINE
                                                       D.O.B   1  70 P.O.B.:Villetranche, France   JAMIE LAVETTE DEAN
                                                       Fev. Song · "'ur! pi&y~ng games wl  my heart"   N ckname: "Jamre"
                                                       Fav. Slogan: "Manger des pomm  s"   D.O.B  1 8f711 PO. B.: Brook   Ia, FL
                                                       Accompli  ments · Drama Club (12), Spa  sh Club (12)   Fev Song: ,  Belong to Yoo" • Rome
                                                       Goala  "Get a masters   Cummunicallon  •   Fav Slogan : "Be a  that )'OU can be"
                                                       Memoria a  "Whan I amved   the U  ed Sta es •   Accompflahmenta : Tra   (II), (10), CECF Club (12), OCT
                                                       BROOKE CHAPMAN                 Goala : "To go to colege and become an X-ray technk:an •
                                                                                      a.t.mori..   y whole high school career, •  I did was mcrve •
                                                       PAMELA CHARLES
                                                                                      APRIL MARIE DELAND
                                                       MARY ANNE CHASTEEN             Nickname· "Mou  ","Angel"
                                                       N ckname:   ananatee"          DOB.6117n9
                                                       D.O B  5124/80 P.O. B.: lake C ty  FL   Fav Song : ,,1 Be M sslngYou"· f>u  Deddy
                                                       Fav Song: "How do I live?"· Tn  a Yearwood   Fev Slogan: "tt's a  good"
                                                       Accompllahments : Beta Club (9), Drama Club (10),   Accompllahmanta  S  mteam (II), (10), (11), (12),  MVP
                                                       FHA (II),   eract (10), FCA (10), Ms  CHS contestant   (II), (10), (11), Trac  (II), (11), Bata Club (9), (10), (12). Soc-
                                                       (11), ElcectJ rveln emship (12), Du  Enrollment (12)   c  r(10), (11), (12), Cro   Country (11), FFA (12), HOSA (12)
                                                       Goala:, plan to go to LCCC, !twin transfer to aU  versl-  Goal a: "t plan lo join the Mama  •
                                                       ty.                            Memoriea., remember when we were soiling across the
                                                                                      gym from the sen10r  when they always won ttw1 sprnt st
                                                       MATTHEW COFAN                  and hoplllg one day 11  would ba us •
                                                       DAIN COLE                      MARIOD   SON
                                                       JEN  I FER EUSE CONSER         JESSIE DESROSIERS
                                                       D.O B. 1114/80 P.O. B.: La  e Coty, FL   Nl  name. "Je  s, "Bug"
                                                                                      D 0  B  !>129.79  P.O B : Allen   n, PA
                                                       DALLAS COOK                    Fav Slogan  "C*ay, bee  1o me new •
                                                                                      Accomptlahmenta· Bela Club (II), Marching and Concert
                                                       MEUSSA COUCH                   Band (II), (10), (11 ), Hooor Society (1 0), (11 ), (12), Academic
                                                       D.O.B  6.'26.'80 PO B.: N.J.   letter(10), Academtc bar(11), (12), Math lalf, Honora  e
                                                       Fav. Song: "I Grve my Heart"· John Berry   Men  on (10), Tenrvs (10), (11), Mu Alpha Theta (10), (11),
                                                       Accomptlahments : Honor Roll (91, (10), Commun1ty   (12), Sc1ence I  "(11)
                                                       Service (II), Beta Club (II), Honora Socrety (10), (11),   Goa Ia  '"'I'm gong to U F. to maJOr In Zoology"
                                                       Academoc letter (10)
                                                       Goal a: "Go lo college."        LLtAM DEWS
                                                                                      D.O.B  7/31,80
                                                       KIMBERLY COUEY                 Accompllahmenta  FFA (II),   Saward (II)
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