Page 219 - chs-1998
P. 219
Goal•; • Attend W. F and ~om• a Pharmacast • leadng (10), Pap Club (11), (12), Bo ng Tearn (11),
G•r1's Stat•epa ar of house (11 ), Varstly Chaar1aad1rog-
STEPHEN DICKS co-captaJn (11), NEFEC student Rap (11), (12), NHS
(11), (12), School Mv•eory Council (12), Student Couocl
ROBERT DOSSETT VP (12), Var11ty ChMr1eadlng (12), Student Mediator
(12), SADD (12).
FREDERIC DOUGLASS Goala : "To become a famous TV personality, or pursue a
poltbcalecoanca career"
ALISA DOWNING Mamoriaa:, remember when N • Smoth on the mud
Nidi name • Altsa Sue" at tha 1996 Sand wood game •
D.OB 10111/711 P.OB :Gan 111 e,FL
Fav Slogan "I don't sea rt • BRIDGET EVERETT
Accomplehmenta: Orarna (II), Beta Club (9), FFA (10), Nldlnama: "Squeaky", "Brando"
OCT (10), (12), CECF (11), (12) D.O.B 1015n9 P.O. B.: Lake Ctty, Fl
Goal• "To go to colega and become a child w are .ac~al Fav Song " Let Go"- Laumaa
wo ars.· Fav Slogan : "You know ot's e both ours. wal JUSt keep
Mamori••' "Saturday l'llghts•· 11 down at rT'f hou a·
Accompllahmanta: Beta (II), (10), (11 ), (12), FCA (9),
DANIELLE DREHOFF FHA-Treasurer (9), Tra (9), JV Cheerleader (9), (10),
Nldlname "Short S ""· I Fry" DARE Role Modal (9), (10), Perfect A"andance (9), (10),
DOB &12/SO PO.B :.J. sorNiRa,Fl (11), Acadarnc latter (91, (10), (11), Academoc L•"•r
Fev Song "The Fool"· La a Womedl (9), (10), (11), HERO (10), (11), Varsty ChMrteader
Fav ogan ·"O (11), (12), NHS (11), (12), Danca (11), (12), Bowing
Accompllahmenta Choru ·most ou tanding (9), Perfect Team (11), Pap Club (12), Student Madator (12), SAOO
Attend nee (10), Ensemble-most unproved (1 0), (12), Chc> (12)
rus and En embla-most aupportllla (11 ), Ach&~v.nenta In Goal•: "To beooma the bas1 Anasthasiologos1 that I can
Algebra II and Eng tsh Ill (11) be"
Goala:"Togo to college and beooma a Pharmac• l"
Memoria a:, went to rT'f Bl party With I my In ends • TERESA EZEL
nama "OI.tla rt" Ff
D 0 B 21201 P 0 .8 .: La e City, Fl
Fav Song. "Wh ra you are"· Rashaad
Fav Slogan : • 1 , don't r
Accompllehmente: Afro-Am rfcan Club {9), Elec onocs (9), RACHEL VELVET SNOW FAITH
(10) D 0 B. 1111180 P O.B : Piatn, WA
Goal a: • At! nd Oevry In utlon." Fav Song • "My fa on Your Hand •
Memoria• , f in 10\1 for the s1 a. I thougllt •t was the Fav Slogan : • Admot It and Quit 1r
best no happen to ma • Accompllehmante: K.y Club (9), Drama Club (9), lob~
.yba (9J, Acadarnc La ar (9), (10), (11 ), Span Cklb
CHARLES DEVINE DUPREE (10), (11), Pholography Club (10), (11), Socc r (10),
Nl nama "Dupe" (11), (12), FCA (12). Who's Who (12), CJSA (12), Ma •
D08 817 P08.: La eCity,Fl tng a Ot!!eranca for Chnst (12)
Fav Slogan . "TAKE AWAY'" Future Plana/Goal e., want o be a lawyer"
Accompllehmente: Algebra I award (9), Engl h 1 award (9),
Engl 2award(10),Engf h3award(11),Betaclub(10), SARAH EUZABETH FALKI S
National Honor Sooaty (10), (11 ), Geometry Honorw a rd D.O. B. 313180 PO B : Mtami, FL
(11 ), Mu Alpha Theta (11) Fav Song : "The Danca"
Goale : "To be a tamous roclt star.· Fav Slogan ,f you love eom . at ~ free. It ~ does-
nl come back, an II wasn't aant to be·
JOSH OVAL Accompllahmente Honor Roll (9 , (1 0), WOO' Who?
(II, (10), (11), Acadamoc Lett r(9), (10), (11), Yearbook
STEPHAN E OYCK (10). Var ty Club (10), JV Ba etbal (10), Orarna Club
ldlnama "U e Brt", "Brat" ( 0), Prestdenrs Award (11), Scholar-A 'eta rd (11 ),
D.O. B. 216180 P.O.B ·Alberta, Canada Spanish Club (11 ), Mu pha Theta (11), Cro Country
Fav Song "Two Become O..e" • Spice G r1s (11),(12), NHS (11),Cou tyma Far(11),County5cl-
Accompllehmant• H ory Award (9), JROTC award (11), anca Fatr (11).
Dnll T•rn and Color Guard (11) Goale: E!lok>gy or Foran oc Paltlology"
Goal•: "I want to go lo college. pn mo tary acad&rT'f. be an Memoria• "Schooo wa put olf for a week because the
R N or wo ..., a•rptana • e Golden Ga area was flooded·
Mamori .. • , remember when I got lo stay out noght
my boyt and on prom nog t." TlNA FARMER
ldlnama "Feagle"
D.O. B. 7116180 P O.B.: Gatrte . FL
ANGELA EADIE Fav. Song "On ng My Baby Goodbye" -Charita
De e1s
AMANDA ELKINS Fav. Slogan. "Don't gat mad, gat evan·
Nldlnama "Manda" Accompliehmante Orarna Club (9 .. FFA·tfo onan
D.O.B 1114-80 P.O.B : Colt.Jmbus, OH Awards Chapter Farmer, Star Greenhand (11 ), Per!ect
Fav Song : "For you I • Monoca A endanca (11), FFA-Sacretary(12) .. S udantCounal
Accompllehmente: Chorus {VJ, (10), (11), (12), FCA (9), (12)
(10), Ensemble (10), (11), (12), Acadarnc La ar (10), (11) Goa Ia "To go to col ega arid succeed I do."
Goala:"l anttobaanarcMect" Mamoriaa:, remember a Fndays at an's a ar
pap ra ly sand g n chased ort at the BBO's
N dlnama. ·s •, "Ellis" WILEY FEAGLE
D O.B 12/20179 PO.B : Lake Ctty, Fl I nama· • oar Hog", "Cowma •
Fav Song "Ego tnp" • D.O.B 3 I P.O.B :La eC. ,FL
Fav Slogan · "What goa around coma around" Fav Song: "Do a"· Han W. am Jr
Accompllehmenta Wras ng (9), (10), (12), Footba ), Fav Slogan • lear when Feagle s hera.•
(10), (11), (12), FHA (9), Photography (10), FCA (10), (11), Accompllahmanta FFA· s nt noa' (9), (1 0), (11 ), Sta a
W&~gh ng(12) FFA convan oon (10), VP ol Junoor Ca. aman·s As.acl8·
Goal• . "Go to college and be a • av 1'. • bon (11 ), (12), Perfect"" ndanca (11 ), a bona Con-
Mamoriaa: "That gtr1 sftppad on the eggs In the commons 1n vantoon ( 12)
11195." Goa Ia:, pian 1o go 1o collegalo be a lawyer"
Memoria• , member when Darrel Kennington and I
JOHN END LEY caught our ftr boar hog tog er, and when our class
got Mr Getzan frazzled'"
BRANDl LARESE EVERETT N nama "Dimples", ~~· MJ"
Nl nama. "Bran". "Shorty", "Bridger, oa ha" D.O.B.3127,80 P.O.B :Gatnesv e,FL
D O.B 10/W79 PO B.: La a City Fl Fav Song. "Cry o Mora" ·II The Extrema
F av Song: "For You" • by enny La rnor11 Fav. Slogan : "I a•n't lrytng lo hear that"
Fav logan . "Thars Ua" Goal• · "Go to school to be a cosmatolog• r
Accompllahmanta: Fr shman Vtca Pralldent (91, Beta (9), Mamoriaa: , remember when I mat M• a Jackson In the
(10), (11), FCA (9), FHA local Pr _ (9), (11), (12), FHA 11th grade
trlct Ill Secretary (91, DARE Role Mod (9), (10), (11 ), (12),
Tra • Ca n (9), Acadamoc La r (9), (10), (11), Student JEFFERY FENTER
Councl Rap. (10), HERO Ch ptar Pr tdan -a ect(10), (11),
State Spa sh Comp bon (10), (11), HOBY (10), JVChMr· AMANDA LY ASCHER
Sen1or Index 215