Page 254 - chs-2002
P. 254
"Printing All Day Keeps
Below An teacher. Mr.. mman help tudcnts
Customers Coming 0 r create t-'>hlrt'> for one of the acadcm1' mam
BellH : Mr. Millikin i'> judging the
client'>. orne of their clients are club nd
U Academy's booth at the fair. The Academy
hope., to come in fiN. orgamzatiOn'> at Columbia H1gh
Way ll Connie Naiman "I like doing the slide shows using
Microsoft Power Point. -Dianna Watson
Art Teacher
Would you like to be mcludcd on a team Below: The Bus1ness and Technology
learning the bu-,ine-.-,. kill\ of today and tomor- Academy di'>played their wonderful talent'> in
row? If '>0. thenjom the Busincs and Technol- the office wmdow to encourage people to join
ogy Academy. The Academy tea he'> Graphic the Academy.
An along wnh many U'>eful bu'>ine'>'> '>kill>.
tudenl'> learn the importance of workmg as a
team to a h1e\e a goal. Pamtmg the office
wmdow and a'>'>i'>ting with the HR Chmtma\
pany are a few of the \Cr\ ice. provided. The
Academy al. o runs a chool-ba-,ed enterpri. e.
T->hin pnntmg. mcludmg de 1gning the. hins
that are printed. lf'>tudent'> are e\er looking for
an exciting new experience. don't he itate! Join
the Bu'>mes. and Technology Academy today!
"The Bu'>me'>. and Technology cademy ha~
changed my way ot thinking and ha'> enabled
me to accept diver-.ity. the true meaning of a
- Mr a1man Far Right:Making sure the painting is perfect,
Gerry On iz, Bobby Hopkins and Alfred
Johnson try to concentrate very hard.
Above: To '>how their '>Uppon for Columbia
HighS hool and the Bu'>ine.,., Academy Mr...
mithy, Ashley Feagle. Hillary Lee. Krhtin
Elton. Lacey Lar.,on. Lmd ey Brock.
Brittany Boyette. Dawn Drehoff. atasha
Exum. and Ruby Croft enJOY ridmg in the
Homecoming parade.
''To be able to look at a shirt someone is
wearing or a painting that is on the office
window and say 'I helped make that' is
awesome. It makes me feel a sense of
accomplishment." - Jerrod Greenwood
" I feel like I am in one grand family
and learning life skills." -Ashley Feagle
" I like how everyone in the academy
is so close and gets along. They are
my family." -Dawn Drehoff Above: Mrs. mithy and Mrs.Spencer take a
break from the '>tres'>ful work of managing
the academy and go to Disney World.
252 Bu ine s Academy