Page 253 - chs-2002
P. 253
HOSA Nurses Are Taking
Health Occupation Students of America
i, a national tudent organization dedi-
cated to promoting career opportunitie.
in the health care indu try and provid-
ing their ervice to the community. One
of our major project thi year wa
"Project 911." HOSA member aero
the nation wrote 10, 107 letter to the
health care profe ional in ew York
City and Wa hington DC. Our local
chapter, along with the upport of other
, chool in Columbia County, rai ed al-
mo t 4,000 for the American Red
Cro . HOSA al o work around the
community volunteering at ariou
place , uch a the VA Ho pital, Shand
at Lake Shore, and ariou pediatrician
office , pharmacie , and other medical
office . HOSA member areal o bu y
preparing for local, regional, tate, and
national competition all throughout the
year. HOSA i an excellent opportunity
for tudent in pur uing a career in the
health field.
Left. Help! I'm '>tucl.. to my cha1r and I can't get up. Melanic
penccr, Tiffany Collin'>. Ron-.ea Ro'>'>in. Whitney Ducket.
Jc-..,ica Cohen, Tabatha Brennan, Ricl..y Brocl.., Haley
Dockery. Kyle Graham.Brool..e Creel. Amanda Pascali,
manda Berry are not exactly ready to go.
bm e "Can I ha\ c a -.and\\ ich plea.,c'?" Miranda Koon asked
Darrell \\II I.e and D) anna loan at lield da)
Above: orne of the senior'> for HO A are ee-.ha Patel. onal Patel. Jenn) Parker. Darrell Wilke-.. Ca-.ey Coat-.. and i-.ha
Patel arc excited to rccieve their reward for being a member of HO A.
Ho a 251