Page 270 - chs-2002
P. 270

Yearbook Editors: Lots of Work,

        Lots of Fun

          Right:  The  ecret  anta exchange appears to be  a  uc  ess!
         The whole group enJoys the gifts they have received.
          Below:  The  pany's over,  but  underclassmen  Lyndsey  Lee
          ha.  ju  t arri\ed.  tardy  as  u  ual!  Lauren  Mehl  and  Jes. ica
          Clark wi  h her a  Happy  Birthday and  thank  her for all  her
          hard work she·  done on the undercla  smen section.

          Right:  Mn..  houp, a  i  tant advisor; Jesstca Clark, butsne. s
          ad editor; Amy Huddleston, senior ad editor; Megan Bishop,
          sports  eduor;  Amanda  Greene,  features  editor;  Jennifer
          Bedenbaugh, senior <,ection editor; Bethany Harden, co-edi-
          tor-in-chief;  Lauren  Mehl, co-editor-in-chief;  usan  Duren,
          busmess manager;  tephen  Deese, assistant;  Ashley Jones,
          as  istant; Mr-,. Caner, advisor.

                                               Above:  Mrs.  Carter has  been  to many  Yearbook Christmas   Above:  Editors-in-Chief Bethany Harden and  Lauren  Mchl
                                               panies in  her lifetime.  From the smile on her face,  the chilli   have had quite a hectic year!  In the end, however, they know
                                                                                     all the crazines> is  worth it!
                                               and other foods prepared must be excellent!

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