Page 269 - chs-2002
P. 269

Far Left: "  ince when am I on the yearbook  taff?"
                                                                                  ay  Carty Crews.  Carly had fun helping the  taff
                                                                                 with  Ia  t minute page  and  eeing how yearbook
                                                                                 life really worked.
                                                                                 Left: Amanda Greene ha  keep  there  t of the year-
                                                                                 book  taff optimi  tic and po  tive with her big  mi I e.

                                                                                 Left: Proofing yearbook page  i  an e  entia! part
                                                                                ofproce  ing the yearbook. Amy Huddle  ton and
                                                                                Je  ica Clark laugh at the mi  take  and yell "  pell
                                                                                check, people!"

                                                                                Above: You have to be flexible to make it in the
                                                                                Joumali  m cia  room.  Jennifer Bedenbaugh  i
                                                                                alway  willing to help out on another  ection no
                                                                                matter what the problem may impo  e.

      Above: How  trange!  Dane Collette  i  actually   Above: "  o,  that check did  not get to me.  I'm
      doing work for Journalism cia  .  Dane ha  been   orry you're bill  i  till  unpaid." Thi  i  a prob-
      a huge help to the  taff, running errand  and keep-  lem  u an  Duren  ha  to  deal  with  e  eryday a
      ing u  filled with food during  long afternoon  on   one of the editor  of the busine   ection.
      deadline day  .

                                                                                                 Yearbook  taff 267
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